How to Use

Deleting Images
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About the Recycle Bin
The Recycle Bin conveniently stores images that have been deleted for a 14-day period. This gives you the opportunity to un-delete images and restore them to their originating folders. You can also empty the Recycle Bin to permanently delete images from your account. After 14 days, if you have not restored your image(s) to their originating folders, they will automatically be deleted from your account.

Recycle Bin

Deleting Images
If you would like to delete a Standard or ZoomStream image(s), open a folder to access your images and select the checkbox(es) to the left of each image file name.
Undeleting Images
If you want to undelete your image(s) from the Recycle Bin and restore them to their originating folders, go to your Recycle Bin.
Emptying the Recycle Bin
If you want to empty your Recycle Bin and permanently delete the images from your account, go to your Recycle Bin.