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posted on December 15, 2003 04:42:41 PM new
everyone please disregard stopwhining, hes having another episode of the inner voices.

posted on December 15, 2003 04:46:59 PM new
Stop - I could have sworn you were female. If you are a male that can cook as described in another thread and comes with his own duck - I'll adopt you
~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~
If it's really "common" sense, why do so few people actually have it?
[ edited by fenix03 on Dec 15, 2003 04:47 PM ]
posted on December 15, 2003 04:48:39 PM new
I agree with Fenix. Not only have I made payments today for items purchased without having to do anything except click "Pay now" and enter my password, but one polite seller sent me an EOA and asked how I wanted to pay. When I stated with Paypal, he promptly sent me an invoice through them making it a one click payment.

So, those who don't like it might as well give it up. As long as you accept Paypal, myself and many many others will continue to checkout through them

It's fast, it's easy and IT IS reliable.

Edited to correct that to read: It's easy for the customer (and, I was taught the customer is always right).
[ edited by lindajean on Dec 15, 2003 04:51 PM ]
posted on December 15, 2003 04:50:05 PM new
leave my duck alone!! and go bid on some large pimple!!
-sig file -------the lobster in the boiling pot of water who tries to prevent the others from climbing out.
posted on December 15, 2003 04:55:27 PM new
lindajean, you are already a REGISTERED USER, unless you have a telepathic connection with paypal.

this thread is NOT about paying with paypal, or filling out forms. its about WHY ebayers dont read instructions!

i havnt come across one user that has been so lazy that they made it to my checkout screen and couldnt type in their shipping address themselves!

posted on December 15, 2003 04:55:37 PM new
i think horsey has some up for sale
[ edited by speedracer7400 on Dec 15, 2003 04:56 PM ]
posted on December 15, 2003 05:45:17 PM new
Stop - there goes your chance of adoption
I'll go find my own duck. Do they sell those on ebay? I still have funds in my "Spoil Yourself" account.
~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~
If it's really "common" sense, why do so few people actually have it?
posted on December 15, 2003 06:18:21 PM new
"Heeey! Did somebody step on a duck?"

Ralphie loves Mr Blonde:
"Are you gonna bark all day little doggie, or are you gonna bite?"
posted on December 15, 2003 07:02:10 PM new
speedracer: Yes, I am a registered user. But, I don't use Vendio checkout and I don't buy from those who require any type of checkout.

I only buy when Paypal is a method of payment and I pay with one click payment.

So, I never ever fill out address information for the seller! That is their job. (at least in my opinion).

Edited to add (You may not have found one user too lazy to fill it out once they come across your checkout screen, but you have obviously found lots of us who don't go there at all) And reading or literacy has nothing to do with it!

[ edited by lindajean on Dec 15, 2003 07:04 PM ]
posted on December 15, 2003 07:11:20 PM new
I may get the boo of the day... but here goes.

I can some what understand what speedracer7400 is saying.
Buyers do not read, so there for, can not follow the instructions given to them to complete the transaction of sale.

For the ones here that stated they won and paid for auctions, you are not a newbie and you know what you are to do and when to do it. You are a seasoned ebayer.

There are a ton of new buyers on ebay right now, that don't have a clue as what to do.
I just had one today that has not paid me for 20 days, I have sent several emails explaining payment options to her, {did I hold her hand, for a bit and still am} She leaves me a neg, stating
[b]Complaint : having a problem pay u. advise ebay im trouble. bad business
Response by me the seller - Did not pay, Lots of options, several emails NPBN 12-9 FVF 12-19[/b]
I emailed her again and gave payment options again and told her she had 4 days to remit payment, She can call me, gave her the phone number to call,{no I am not calling her}

Some said the paypal button.... that s just making it for lazy people to be lazy buyers. Paypal has a website address and put in to a email or any check out form, it is click able www.paypal.com

IMO, ebay need to give a beginners class on same bogus auctions, so buyers know what they are to do and what is expected of them.Buyers do have a responsibility as well as the seller.

Do I think it is going to get better... nope... but we can still pray and hold our breath.
Just for the record.. Most of my paying buyers are GREAT !!!!!, I do have a few jerks,that I can live with out.

NOTE : Some buyers will use checkout and SOME will not... part of selling on ebay. take the good with the bad.

[ edited by wrightsracing on Dec 15, 2003 07:14 PM ]
posted on December 15, 2003 07:17:49 PM new
PayPal feeds the buyer address directly to Vendio if you enable notification - I really don't see the point of Vendio check-out anymore.

I'm like Lindajean - I win an auction, I request total from seller (if shipping is not known) and then hit the "PayNow Button". I don't have to worry about the sellers email address or remembering the totals..just click the "pay" button and I am done.

Buyers who want to pay by check/money order can click the "pay now" option in eBay checkout to find out sellers address and totals - and they don't have to fill out anything once they have selected their payment option.

Wrights racing: So what if the PayNow button promotes "lazy" buyers?? Better Lazy than Deadbeat!! People do not handle change well and if a seller requires exception handling (ie Vendio checkout) then that seller is asking for trouble IMHO.

[ edited by neglus on Dec 15, 2003 07:21 PM ]
posted on December 15, 2003 08:57:39 PM new
thank you wrightsracing. FINALLY a seller who understands. im starting to get the idea that most of the people posting to this thread are all BUYERS.

to you lindajean, sorry for you i bet you miss out on a bunch of good deals because your too lazy to type in your shipping address.

i just cant believe how lazy people have gotten, no wonder we live in a country of overweight people! LAZY LAZY LAZY!

typing does burn calories!

posted on December 15, 2003 09:56:12 PM new
You have got to be the most self righeous fool I have seen on these boards in a long time. Yeah sweetheart- I'm just a buyer- I guess it must be my sellers that sent that $1,000 plus in payments this weekend - those must have been rebate checks! But since I am too "lazy" to fill out needless forms I don't see how they could have possibly done that... oh damn, it must have been that pre programmed address that goes out with all of my payments.

I just cannot grasp the concept of how my customers could have possibly figured out how to send me their payments without filling out endless forms... oh yeah, guess it was that PayPal address in my EOAN, or maybe the mailing address on the same notice.

But wait - However will I manage to ship their items out since I have not subjected them to submitting their info to a third party program and its use of forms? Oh my, what is a poor girl to do. Wait! Maybe I could use the address in their note with their payment, or I could use the return address on the envelope it came in, or the one on the payment itself.

I mean, afterall, I'm the seller here. I'm the one with the business and with all of the marketing experience I have been thru in my years of ebay and prior, not once was forcing the customer to bend to your will mentioned as a successful marketing or business module.

Funny thing is - it doesn'tseem to be working for you either but rather than adjust you just choose to slam your head against the wall, #*!@, moan and call them all idiots as oppossed to seeing the trend and adjusting to it.

What can I say ...... You go Skippy!
~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~
If it's really "common" sense, why do so few people actually have it?
posted on December 15, 2003 11:12:51 PM new
speedracer: Me lazy? Me burn calories?

Well, hon, why not burn those keys and type in or better yet, copy and paste my address yourself!

Oh yea, I forgot, I don't bid on your auctions or any like it.

And, I miss out? Not hardly. There's rarely anything you can sell I can't find within 10 days from someone else. Someone who is polite and just wants my money which I gladly give.

posted on December 15, 2003 11:38:11 PM new
ok miss o'toole, there have been plenty of times that users didnt include their address on the check, on the envelope, nor the auction id or email or a note. this is no joke, and you still call this MY FAULT, telling me im the idiot. i have had to scan through 100 current closed auctions searching for transaction based on the PRICE because the buyer failed to follow directions.

yay you made 1000 over the weekend, i bet your proud letting the whole world know.

so the smart marketing gal that you are, do you exclusivly use paypal? what do you do about people that wont use it? and if you accept mailed payments, what do you do when there is no userfull information on the payment or than the payment price itself?

i have a hard time understanding how one cannot figure out a simple message that states:

thank you for winning BLAHBLAH, to complete and pay for this transaction please click the following link.

from there they can choose their shipping method, receive total, and pay. i dont see how difficult it is. but as you say and a few others, this is an antiquated process, just like every other ecommerce site out there.

u know there are programs out there that will pre-fill forms for you, but i guess yall just to lazy to figure that one out too!

posted on December 15, 2003 11:41:24 PM new

c'mon you think i tell my customers off or call them idiots? hell no. if you did business with me you would never know it. and you would gladly give me your money.


posted on December 16, 2003 12:36:31 AM new
<<i have sold over 300 hundred items on ebay over the last 2 years.>>
Wow! It sounds like you are really keeping busy and have to have a reliable checkout system to handle the incidentals for you, a checkout system that 100% of your bidders can understand and operate without reading the guidelines. I don't think that system has been developed yet, but I have an alternative system that works for me and will probably work well for you. It is a simple system and only involves one step. Get off your lazy ass and send the customer an email and tell them how much they owe you and where to send the money order or check. If you don't have time to communicate with your customers who want to send you money, on a one on one level, then you need to look for another way to hawk your wares. When you get to the point of selling 300 items per week, or per day, you'll figure out a way to edit the text in an automated system that even morons and idiots can understand. In the meantime, qwitcher bitchin and take care of your customers.

The light at the end of the tunnel will turn out to be an oncoming train.
posted on December 16, 2003 12:39:21 AM new
::so the smart marketing gal that you are, do you exclusivly use paypal? ::

I guess your reading comprehesion skills are as deficient as those of your customers - I have stated in a previous post that I actually have a whole set of auctions that I do not accept PayPal on at all.

As for being proud? I 'm happy - if I wanted to brag I would mention my total sales for the month

::and if you accept mailed payments, what do you do when there is no userfull information on the payment or than the payment price itself?::

I email the buyer and ask for their address. It's a very difficult detailed process- I use my listing program to list all of my unnpaid auction in order of ending value and match up the amount of payment then click on their email address, write a short note and wait for a reply. I thnk it may take up two whole minutes of my time.

::i have a hard time understanding how one cannot figure out a simple message that states::

I think what you don't get is that they don't misunderstand it - they just find it a tedious waste of their time. They will be providing address with their payment so why do it twice? I.E. - I called Adobe for product info and was asked for my address and phone number- I could have given it, but then I have to spell things out for them, repeat it twice and none of it will be used for anything because if I decided t o make the purchase I would have to give it all over again. I just said no.

::This is an antiquated process, just like every other ecommerce site out there. ::

Oh please, you are a control freak that is spending more time trying to bend the will of their customers rather than just accept that the world changes. I have accounts with three online retailers, I don't have to fill out everything when I buy from them, they have my info on file, just like PayPal does.

:: u know there are programs out there that will pre-fill forms for you, but i guess yall just to lazy to figure that one out too!::

This is an especially humorous statement when made by someone too lazy to actually spell the word You.

~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~
If it's really "common" sense, why do so few people actually have it?
posted on December 16, 2003 06:21:51 AM new
speedracer comes to this board looking to vent and then expect all of us to agree with her,well ??
any way,i just want to say ME AND MY DUCK ARE NOW ENGAGED TO BE MARRIED!
-sig file -------the lobster in the boiling pot of water who tries to prevent the others from climbing out.
posted on December 16, 2003 06:57:14 AM new
Wow! This thread has been reduced to name calling!
Speed: I think what sellers with more experience are trying to tell you is that instead of blaming your buyers for failing to read your TOS, you should take a look at your TOS and see if those could be made more readable. If you have a higher % of buyers that don't follow your instructions than do, then something should be changed!

In addition, the Vendio checkout system dates back to the days before eBay owned PayPal and the two were so closely integrated. At that time there was no "pay now" button in auctions (remember back when eBay had its own "bidPay" ?) The Vendio checkout provided buyers with a link directly to PayPal after completing the checkout information. HOW INNOVATIVE! it saved both buyers and sellers time. Well that checkout is now obsolete! With the "PayNow" button buyers can go directly to PayPal to complete the transaction, and that is what buyers have come to expect. We can call them "lazy" or "illiterate". but what it boils down to is that THIS IS WHAT THEY ARE ACCUSTOMED TO, and any instructions to the contrary will be largely ignored.

You can continue to require Vendio checkout in your TOS and can continue to receive 25% compliance, or you can get with the "program" and put a "PayNow" button in your auctions and have PayPal "feed" buyer information to your vendio post sale management. It's up to you...we have been just trying to tell you how to eliminate so many emails that require exception handling!

Edited to add: My November sales report says I sold 676 items last month - do you think I could do that kind of volume if 75% of my buyers needed emails from me telling them how to complete the transaction? Some of the people writing here have way more transactions than I do - we are not buyers!

I use Vendio for everything EXCEPT WBN and checkout.

Forgot to address the unidentifiable check issue: Yes I have a few checks that I can't identify. I tell buyers to put auction title and number with their check but there are always some that don't. I don't waste time trying to figure them out..I put them aside and eventually they become identified after payment reminders, NPB notifications etc..in other words, to work efficiently one has to deal with the volume and not worry about the exceptions..DON"T SWEAT THE SMALL STUFF!

[ edited by neglus on Dec 16, 2003 07:00 AM ]
[ edited by neglus on Dec 16, 2003 07:07 AM ]
[ edited by neglus on Dec 16, 2003 07:13 AM ]
posted on December 16, 2003 07:13:11 AM new
you are very kind,i hope speedracer is listening.
by the way,i doubt speedracer is the only id she has on vendio.
-sig file -------the lobster in the boiling pot of water who tries to prevent the others from climbing out.
posted on December 16, 2003 08:04:45 AM new
I'm amazed (and somewhat amused) at how hostile this thread has become.

I'd like to add my 2 cents and that's probably all it's worth!

As most of you know I'm a relatively new seller, I read these boards for quite a while before I even put one item up for sale and I'm still reading and learning.

I think speed racer does have at least one valid underlying point. He (she?) says buyers are illiterate - well that's probably harsh and inaccurate, but it is true that people don't read and/or comprehend everything in auctions. (As Jack and others have pointed out many times).

I'll probably be chastized for saying it, but I do see an exception to the vendio checkout being obsolete. That's for sellers like myself that don't use paypal. But still I've recently edited my WBN to try to make it clear that while checkout is helpful it's not required.

My biggest problem with checkout so far is from people thinking that they could go to Vendio checkout and somehow "magically" pay via Bidpay. I've had at least 3 ask me if I got paid. They selected Bidpay as their payment option - but never went to the Bidpay website. I changed my WBN to tell people how to get to Bidpay if that want to pay that way and that they don't have to fill out Vendio checkout if they are going to pay via Bidpay. I figure with my small volume, if 3 people have asked the question there are probably even more that are confused by the issue.

As I hope you can see from the above, my main point is that I agree with those of you that suggest that if bidder's are having problems - it's up to the seller to change. I'm hopeful that I can work out the little "bugs" at this small volume so that I can someday be able to efficiently handle a larger volume of sales.

By the way, one main thing I've learned (or perhaps relearned) is how opinionated people are. We're never going to get total agreement on the best method for handling anything. I think each seller just has to be willing to live with the consequences of their own terms. Or, if their not happy with their results, look for ways to change and improve.

posted on December 16, 2003 08:13:36 AM new
Ebay ain't for everyone

posted on December 16, 2003 08:30:42 AM new
Cherished..have you looked at the eBay invoice/checkout system? There is a place in ebay checkout that allows people to indicate they will be paying by other methods than PayPal and their address is provided to you and yours to them. What good is Vendio checkout really doing you?

posted on December 16, 2003 08:30:55 AM new
retailing is not for everyone.
ebay gives all of us a chance to prove ourselves,but not everyone has the patience,people skill and the knack of identifying what sells and what does not sell.
to call your customers illiterate and said i am selling what i dont want/need/use and if it does not sell,i give them to charity.
then i just wonder why dont you just give it to charity instead of spending your precious time listing and battling your bidders?
just remember,this is a free board,anyone can post so you are not going to get every one to agree with you.

-sig file -------the lobster in the boiling pot of water who tries to prevent the others from climbing out.
posted on December 16, 2003 08:43:28 AM new
Stop - Congrats.... I'm Happy... and a bit concerned...for you and your beloved duck.

~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~
If it's really "common" sense, why do so few people actually have it?
posted on December 16, 2003 08:46:27 AM new
thanks,i just dont have the heart to turn my pet duck into a feast.
ask me again in 7 days,you never know with duck,i could itch again soon!!
-sig file -------the lobster in the boiling pot of water who tries to prevent the others from climbing out.
posted on December 16, 2003 09:17:30 AM new

When buyers use Vendio checkout, their info is in the Vendio system, which I can then use for shipping labels (for items not going via U.S. priority) and to print out the invoice.

I can also fairly easily check to see what people bought when their checks come in without auction info on them. Although, I admit this last one is not a major issue.

Would Ebay checkout provide the first two items? What advantages do you see to Ebay checkout? (I know you must very organized to handle the volume that you do, and I do value your opinion). I admit as seller, I've never used it. As a buyer I used it once, but don't remember much about it.

posted on December 16, 2003 02:18:12 PM new
I read on a different thread a few weeks ago somebody said that Stopwhining and Fluffythewondercat were the same person.

After reading this thread, I believe it.

posted on December 16, 2003 03:04:33 PM new
if so,then you are seeing double-double lobsters,i mean.
-sig file -------the lobster in the boiling pot of water who tries to prevent the others from climbing out.
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