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posted on August 8, 2003 08:33:47 AM new
Anyone else catch Arnold on the Today show? I tought he actually knew what was happening in this state until his segment. He's going to be a terror and the fact that Richard Riordan would elect not to run because of this guy disappoints me greatly. Don't get me wrong. I don't want a republican in office in California but good lord, if we are going to have one, can it be one with a clue please?
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If it's really Common Sense, why do so few people actually have it?
posted on August 8, 2003 09:05:49 AM new
I find it appalling that all of the television stations are giving him special treatment. You would think no one else is running but Arnold. I think we should write all of the stations and insist on equal time for all of the candidates. I haven't heard him say anything about his platform. What does he plan to do to help the people of California? Anyway, my main point is equal and fair treatment for all candidates.

posted on August 8, 2003 09:11:10 AM new
I like Arnold however I noticed:
In his first press conference he focused on two points
1- I have lots of money
2- I will make the decisions for the people of California
When queried as to how he would handle the fiscal mess he stated details would be worked out in the future.

He seems to come across as a nice guy with no handle on public policy. Stated that we will be states woes can be cured by attracting big business to the state at a time when the trend is for corporations to be leaving California as well as the US for foriegn shores is totally unrealistic. The state which is broke can offer no tax incentives to business so although it sounds fine it is unrealistic, lots of sizzle with no steak.

posted on August 8, 2003 09:18:45 AM new
Angel - his flatform is pro forma. Better education, lower power, keep jobs in California. Blah blah blah. I want to know HOW he plans on doing this. He also does not seem to be aware of major issues. He states that the current education system is not working however California has moved from among the worst in the nation to number 25, still not a number to be proud of but a dramatic rise over just a few years. He wants to keep and draw business here but seemed to be completely unaware of one of the big drawbacks for businesses in terms of labor costs with the paid family leave law. He speaks of ending energy shortages but seems to unaware that it has been determined that there was no actual shortage and that it was falsely manufactured by the power companies and yet seems unaware of the pending and very real water shortages.
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If it's really Common Sense, why do so few people actually have it?
[ edited by fenix03 on Aug 8, 2003 09:19 AM ]
posted on August 8, 2003 10:03:24 AM new
I don't want a republican in office in California but good lord, if we are going to have one, can it be one with a clue please?

What do we have there in California....a revolt to change the status-quo? Some of you have been asking for one but against Republicans.

The person most democrats thought "had a clue", they voted into office. Gray Davis obviously wasn't doing such a hot job or he wouldn't be facing this recall. So if a person with all the 'knowledge'/experiece Davis has is facing a recall election....what's going to be hurt by a new approach?

I'm glad to see it. Although I'd like to see a more conservative governor in office. Most likely won't happen.....after all...we're talking about California.

I think we should write all of the stations and insist on equal time for all of the candidates. Surely you're kidding. How many have applied to be on the recall ballot? 230 to 300???????
[ edited by Linda_K on Aug 8, 2003 10:11 AM ]
posted on August 8, 2003 10:29:34 AM new
This might give some here a little chuckle....or acid indigestion...according to which side you're on. Saw it on a conservative [where else?] website.
We all need to laugh now and then.

Schwarzenegger has announced he wants Total Recall and plans to Terminate Gray Davis in California's special election on October 7.

Whether you support Arnold or just like to have a laugh, Americans all over the country are getting XXXX [site's name here] "Terminator for Governor" t-shirts.

These high-quality t-shirts also have printed on their back side: "Hasta la vista, Davis."

posted on August 8, 2003 11:06:50 AM new

Arnold is not conservative enough for me but I think he'd make a good governor. California is in a funk right now and we need someone who will shake things up. One thing is for sure, he can't do any worse than Gray-out Davis.
posted on August 8, 2003 11:25:27 AM new
One of the things he said that I liked was he has his own money so he won't be 'beholding' to all the special interest groups for their donations only IF he does favors for them. He can make more independent decisions that are in the best interest of the people of CA.

Look at Davis now....trying to 'bribe' the hispanic vote. Now he's willing to give illegals drivers licenses...WHY???? so they'll vote not to recall him. That's in the best interests of the taxpayers of CA.?? I don't think s....

He has never cared for anything except what doing this or that is going to do for him and his political aspirations.

Hey....Jessie Ventura was elected....so it just might happen.
posted on August 8, 2003 11:26:19 AM new
Linda - I actually disagree that Davis is not doing his job. California has problem but they are they same problems we would be experiencing under a republicans reign as well.
1) A floudering national economy has resulted in decreased tourism and the income that accompanies it.
2) The colapse of the DotComs has resulted in the colapse of that job market
3) IT and CS jobs moving out of state and overseas have further added to unemployment rates.

California has a disprortionate dependence on industries that are colapsing or leaving for foreign shores and no govenor is going to change that.

High costs of living and insane housing costs are a big part of our problem. More people are leaing this state than coming in because it's too damn expensive andew companies are not going to move into this state because they cannot afford to a California living wage.

Gray Davis is facing this recall because Darrel Issa desperately wants to be govenor and is taking advantage of a bad situation. Issa paid for this recall and then finally got the point that he did not get during the regular election when he lost the nomination...your own party does not want you as govenor you twit, give it up already. Yesterday in a tear-filled announcement, he finally got the point.
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If it's really Common Sense, why do so few people actually have it?
posted on August 8, 2003 11:31:04 AM new
::Look at Davis now....trying to 'bribe' the hispanic vote. Now he's willing to give illegals drivers licenses...WHY???? so they'll vote not to recall him. That's in the best interests of the taxpayers of CA.?? I don't think s.... ::

What do you mean NOW Linda? We discussed this very issue on these board months ago.

And BTW - it is in the best interest of Californians. You see since illegals do not have a valid drivers lcense they cannot carry insurance. A large part of the reason the bill was brought forward was to help reduce the number of uninsured drivers.
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If it's really Common Sense, why do so few people actually have it?
posted on August 8, 2003 11:32:46 AM new
Not to mention the plundering of California by the energy industry which was shielded by friends in the Bush administration.

posted on August 8, 2003 11:43:19 AM new
fenix - YOU disagree with my view? I'm shocked I tell you shocked!! [teasing]

California has problems but they are they same problems we would be experiencing under a republicans reign as well. I disagree with you here.
[Aren't you shocked too?] lol

Davis set many things up, during the good economy, as is the way with most democrats. Spend, spend, spend. NEVER give a tax refund when you can give more money to special interests....more social programs, more benefits to the legislature who will support you. What'd he give to them....a retirement program making 90% of their working salaries? We both know who pays for those 'bonuses'.

And people, like our group of friends, are leaving/have left CA not because they didn't have great jobs....but they're tired of the liberal politics of the state and being taxed to death to support those all these special programs.

How fair you are working at being while listing the reasons you believe things would have been the same under a republican governor. Not quite so fair when blaming President Bush for exactly the same thing that has caused our nations economic downturn. If you [collectively] all can constantly blame Bush for the loss of all the jobs, rather than the other issues that have caused the economy to go into a downturn, then I can do the same to Davis....blame him for EVERYTHING that happened in California. See my point? Bush didn't cause the loss of jobs in our country, just as Davis didn't cause the tech industry to go belly up.

posted on August 8, 2003 11:52:05 AM new
And BTW - it is in the best interest of Californians. You see since illegals do not have a valid drivers lcense they cannot carry insurance. A large part of the reason the bill was brought forward was to help reduce the number of uninsured drivers.

So you too support give drivers licenses to illegals? Sorry to hear that. They've broken our laws by entering illegally. PERIOD. Now excuses are being made for why they need them. But no mention of all the government programs/hand outs having a drivers license enables them to become entitled to. NOPE....you enter illegally you should be deported. That way we make more room for those who follow the LEGAL process of entry.

Get in an accident and can't prove residency? No need to give drivers a license for that reason. You get deported.
posted on August 8, 2003 11:58:07 AM new
::NEVER give a tax refund when you can give more money to special interests.::

A few years ago auto registration rates were cut in half as a rebate of sorts because the state was operating at a surplus. It was an inexpensive way of giving the public a rebate and did not entail the usual accounting, mailing, etc costs associated with a traditional rebate.

::And people, like our group of friends, are leaving/have left CA not because they didn't have great jobs....::

I don't know about your group of friends but of the 20 some people in the group I used to socialize with, I am the only one still in California and I am planning on leaving next year. None of us had a problem with liberal politics. We have a problem with a lack of jobs, working for companies that relocated out of state, or just general disgust with the housing market.

::How fair you are working at being while listing the reasons you believe things would have been the same under a republican governor. Not quite so fair when blaming President Bush for exactly the same thing that has caused our nations economic downturn.::

I don't blame Bush for the economic downturn that resulted form 9/11. I blame Bush not making dealing with that downturn his number one priority. I blame Bush for thinking that if he can rally the country around the flag they'll forget that they don't have a pot to piss in. I blame Bush for freely spending billions on a war to deal with a vague and non iminent threat when there is a very clear and iminent threat to our country right in front of his face in terms of the economy.

BTW - Am I really the only one that is disgusted by the republican parties tactics in California right now? The give their nomination to a man so questionable in charachter that even the RNC backed away from him in the final days of the election. Once they lose they then subtly nudge and nod to Issa to push a recall. Issa falls for their act, bankrolls the recall in hopes of getting his parties nod and the governors seat and then the RNC tells him that it's not a good idea for him ti run, he'll divide the vote and he should just be happy where he is. How sleazy can you get?
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If it's really Common Sense, why do so few people actually have it?
posted on August 8, 2003 11:59:13 AM new
I live way over on the other end of the country. I've heard nothing but laughs about who is running in California (Larry Flint, a porn star, Gary Coleman, Arnold) and what a mockery it is. I don't know too much about your current governor, but he has to be better than that lot! And we were afraid of Jerry Springer running. I simply must read more on your current governor.

Power to the people. Power to the people, right on. - John Lennon
posted on August 8, 2003 11:59:58 AM new
Linda - please tell me what government handouts can be had with a driver license?
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If it's really Common Sense, why do so few people actually have it?
posted on August 8, 2003 12:48:24 PM new
davebraun -

posted on August 8, 2003 12:55:22 PM new
It IS a mockery of California's political system. But the CA constitution has this clause for the people to be able to be heard when they are not happy. And the people have spoken. They want a chance to oust a governor they believe has failed the people.

I blame Bush not making dealing with that downturn his number one priority

ANY president's number one priority is to defend and keep save the citizens of the US. NUMBER ONE. And I hope gore or dean do make the cut and run against Bush. Then you will once again see that while the economy IS very important to ALL Americans, they will support a president they can rely on to do so.

What handouts? Any an all that legal American's are entitled. Do you think their licenses are going to have a stamp on them pointing out they're hear illegally? I'm sure you don't. All entitlements would have been a better word usage than handouts. But it applies to government handouts too....welfare...etc.
posted on August 8, 2003 12:56:12 PM new
Oh yeah - Linda - I just wanted to say that I am glad you have rejoined the frey. We may disagree on many subjects but at least we have a good time doing it. I enjoy our little disagreements
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If it's really Common Sense, why do so few people actually have it?
posted on August 8, 2003 01:06:00 PM new
Linda - goverment programs require Social Security numbers, not drivers license numbers. California is not proposing that we start handing those out. All a driver license is going to enable them to do is get insurance and believe me, there are no hand outs involved in that little racket
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If it's really Common Sense, why do so few people actually have it?
[ edited by fenix03 on Aug 8, 2003 01:06 PM ]
posted on August 8, 2003 01:10:56 PM new
fenix - Thanks....me too. Although I'm slowing re-entering...somedays I just can't. Other days I just can't resist.

NOW... on your A few years ago auto registration rates were cut in half as a rebate of sorts.

Yes, but he more than made up for that by pushing to triple those same tags. With all the new cars in CA that's a HUGE tax increase by itself. Many are more upset that he lied about the amount of the states deficit, to get relected.

He's pissed the people off on both sides of the political arena. The democrats are fuming about the social cuts and the republicans about the tax increases.
posted on August 8, 2003 01:56:17 PM new
::Yes, but he more than made up for that by pushing to triple those same tags. With all the new cars in CA that's a HUGE tax increase by itself.::

I made a mistake on the cut, then epublicans have made a huge mis-statement on the increase. The cut was not by half, it was by two third. And this is not a tax increase. When the bill for the cut was written it took into effect that it was o be a benefit resulting from a fiscal surplus. It also included a clause for reinstatement of the original amounts if such occasion arose that there was no longer a surplus.

The tax has not been tripled. The discount just expired
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If it's really Common Sense, why do so few people actually have it?
posted on August 8, 2003 04:19:12 PM new
It still is a an increase in taxes to many already strapped CA taxpayers. And even the democratic lt. governor (?), Bustamante is stating, if elected, he will work to change it back.
from www.dailybulletin.com
The fee was reduced 68 percent in 1998, the height of the Internet boom. At the time, state coffers were full, courtesy of the capital gains taxes individuals paid on the sale of their stock market investments.

OH....all those nasty rich people so many here love to hate.

Though spearheaded by state Sen. Tom McClintock, R-Thousand Oaks, and signed by Republican Gov. Pete Wilson, the reduction enjoyed wide bipartisan support.

The legislation called for the fee to be returned to previous levels -- or tripled -- should the state ever have "insufficient monies" to fund the "backfill," a reimbursement to local governments for revenue they would have lost due to the fee's reduction. But the bill's language is in dispute.

Now.... that fact being in dispute surprises all of us I'm sure.

Administration officials say the fee increase, per the legislation, was automatically triggered by California's current fiscal condition. The Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association counters the move violated Article 13A of the state constitution mandating that all tax hikes be approved by two-thirds of the Legislature, and is suing.

Also noted was in that same paper, different article, was a statement:

according to the DMV, the average cost of a new car purchased in CA was $19,494. The fee before the tripling of the taxes was $127.00 Now it will be $390.00 for an increase of $263.00

Somewhere I've also read where this particular tax isn't being used for it's intended purpose anyway. If I can find that article I'll post it.

[Just as a side note.]

While reading a different article in the Daily Bulletin, I saw a democrat using the word "abomination" [can you believe that?] lol shame....shame.

"Sen. Nell Soto, D-Ontario, who until Thursday was silent on the recall, called it an abomination, but said she supports Bustamante's candidacy just in case the voters dump Davis.

posted on August 8, 2003 05:01:29 PM new
Linda - what do you suggest be done instead? If you don't want tax increases or budget cuts, what do you think should be done? A lot of those strapped Californians recieve their paychecks from funds raised by via taxes. Should we leave them jobless to save someone someone purchasing a 20K car and extra $200?

Personally I find all the whining over the registration fees to be childish. Everyone complains about traffic and road conditions etc. Do they think that the 405 is a self healing highway? Or that Mickey sand his Disney pals sprinkled fairy dust over the 5 every night for two years to provide the 6 extra lanes thru Orange County?
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If it's really Common Sense, why do so few people actually have it?
posted on August 8, 2003 05:27:39 PM new
What do I suggest? Doing just what is normally done...cut back. A lot of programs are given more funding during the good times. A lot of new costly items are enacted during good times. Those will need to be cut back..stopped or funding taken back to the pre-prosperous days until the economy recovers. Hard fact of life. But cutbacks should be made first BEFORE any new taxes are added to the burden of the working person.

Your comment on the what's the big deal...$200.00. That's a view I have always had about the thinking process of most democrats. They appear so quick to take money from the pockets of the workers who are currently supporting what programs and benefits we do have. What's would have cost our family of four [drivers] an additional $1052.00 more than before Davis made this decision. Appears to me the democrats think 'why try to cut back for a while when it's so easy to rush to raise taxes'. This is going to cost the CA taxpayers 4.6 Billion dollars.

Davis [CA] had a surplus and now has driven the budget into a 36 Billion deficit. So the taxpayers are just suppose to accept that and pay more? Not without rebelling....as they are doing.

The property owners did it via Prop 13 and now the people of CA are once again, saying ENOUGH and Davis is getting the brunt of it mostly, I believe because he lead the people to believe the deficit wasn't as bad as it was. Sound familiar...only on a different level of government?

There is a lot of waste in all government programs.

posted on August 8, 2003 05:37:45 PM new
Let me be clear on one point. I am not a fan of Gray Davis however the financial plight of California and the vast majority of other states is not the doing of this or any of the other governors democrat or republican. There is a severe budget shortfall at all levels of government. On the federal level it can be ignored (as it is) and that is what creates the national debt which is at an all time high. States cannot do this, if revenue cannot be found through existing sources or through cost cutting taxes or fees will have to be raised. It's easy enough to say lets cut social programs but what program do you wish to cut? Public health, police, fire, cultural, education? These programs have been gutted already.

posted on August 8, 2003 06:20:38 PM new
:oing just what is normally done...cut back. A lot of programs are given more funding during the good times. ::

There have been huge cutbacks in programs for the past two years Linda, There is not a lot left to cut back unless you want to eridicate the Healthy Family programs etc.

::But cutbacks should be made first BEFORE any new taxes are added to the burden of the working person.::

I disagree. At this point California is dealing ith a reord budget deficit with light at the end of the tunnel. MOre businesses and their tax incomes are leaving. You don't cut until you can cut no more and then raise taxes. You decrease your spending WHILE you increase your income in order to balance the issue ASAP and then you re-evaluate what taxes should be cut back again and what services should be increased at a level that is indicative of current cash flow levels.

:ur comment on the what's the big deal...$200.00. That's a view I have always had about the thinking process of most democrats. They appear so quick to take money from the pockets of the workers who are currently supporting what programs and benefits we do have.::

How many average workers do you know that are buying a brand new car every year? That's they only way that $200 is going to apply. For the average individual youare talking about MUCH. Would it jhave been bettter to have never granted the decrease?

::What's would have cost our family of four [drivers] an additional $1052.00 more than before Davis made this decision.::

You family of four purchased purchased $80,000 worth of automobiles this year? If so, is the extra $1,000 going to break you? After the date of purchase licensing fees are a fixed purcentage of average blue book value of the car at the time of licensing or renewal so unless a person is purchasing a 20K vehicle every year, those licensing fees start dropping fast and furious after the initial one.

::Appears to me the democrats think 'why try to cut back for a while when it's so easy to rush to raise taxes'. This is going to cost the CA taxpayers 4.6 Billion dollars.::

Do you not live in California or do you not read the paper? Massive cut backs in health services, education, public works... ^They've been cutting back.

:: Davis [CA] had a surplus and now has driven the
budget into a 36 Billion deficit. So the taxpayers are just suppose to accept that and pay more? Not without rebelling....as they are doing. ::

Bush had a surplus, now he has a deficit. (Out of curiousity - could someone please name the states currently operating at a surplus right now?) Welcome the Post 9/11 ecomonic situation.

Difference is that Davis has taken steps to try to recover and is being raked over the coals. Bush is ignoring the situation and adding to the deficit and being lauded.... Am I the only on that sees a problem with that?

This nation is financially screwed right now and for some reason people seem to think that it is going to magically recover and do it without sacrifices. And you wonder why the rest of the world thinks that americans are spoiled?
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If it's really Common Sense, why do so few people actually have it?
posted on August 8, 2003 06:25:08 PM new
dave - While I don't agree with a lot of your political views, you do come across to me as a reasonable person. I enjoy reading your posts. Some are very informative and I thank you for those.

But the taxpayers of CA paid more than $90 Billion in taxes and fees last year. And some wonder why business and people are fleeing the state???? The democrats always use that line..."which services do you want to see cut?" How about using some fiscal restraint, especially when times are good? How about at least trying to reduce waste BEFORE looking to raise taxes?

California's problem is it's too far off the wall... Too many different groups with too many agendas. Monies wasted on studies similar to the one done to tell the farmers they can't have the needed water because of some endangered fish. Can't earn a living cutting lumber any more because the spotted owl is more important. They've lost sight of what's important....the people, their livelihood. It's funds like those that are tax dollars being wasted. But when the debate comes up it's never those type of wasted funds that are mentioned...no let's scare the people and tell them they're going to lose police, fire, etc instead.

Even now we have those calling for more Federal dollars to be spent on their little pet projects, while out of the other side of their mouths they're screaming about how far in the hole we're going,

Until people are more willing to stand on their own two feet and care for themselves rather than expect our government to do it for them....this taxation will only continue to rise.

posted on August 8, 2003 06:48:34 PM new
You are correct. We do not agree. I do see the importance of insuring the survival of a diversity of both flora and fauna. Deforestation sets up the conditions for massive erosion, flooding, and undermines the stability of the land and is an ecological disaster anyway. Aside from which logging the few remaining forests would not provide any great economic benefit to the state or the country beyond the short term. The farmers of the central valley are trying to grow crops that are not native to the area in a location which has no water and without excessive consumption of energy and water cannot survive. They have relied on the subsidies provided by the state in terms of both cash incentives, lower taxes and the diversion of water from other areas in the state.

As to the taxes paid by Californians I am aware of the amount as I am a taxpayer and really don't mind paying for the privilege of living in this great state. I enjoy the services available to me as a resident and do not begrudge sharing with those less fortunate than I who are unable to pay the amount which I have come to expect to pay based on my income and spending habits.

posted on August 8, 2003 06:56:10 PM new

The state budget should be cut 15%-20 across the board. No exceptions.

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