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posted on August 27, 2008 06:54:17 PM new
Whatever his shortcomings, Bill Clinton can still fire up a crowd like no other. In his speech at the convention, not only did he support Obama, but passionately outlined the nightmare of the last 8 years for everyone to absorb. I know many people have no use for him, mostly due to his blatant philandering. I was annoyed myself that his behavior and the ensuing impeachment really stifled what could have been a great presidency. The man is brilliant, charming and flawed.

posted on August 27, 2008 07:38:04 PM new
We're all flawed, but few are truly brillant and charming. I agree that Bill's still got it.
posted on August 28, 2008 01:56:23 AM new
Now that the Clinton concessions are out of the way, let's hope the convention will focus on Obama and his fight against McCain.
posted on August 28, 2008 03:57:28 AM new
From the AP:
Analysis: Denver seems like the Clinton Convention

By JENNIFER LOVEN – 3 hours ago

Rarely in the history of American political conventions has the losing side received so much time and attention as this week in Denver.

Barack Obama has been forced, by the clout Hillary Rodham Clinton showed in their primary battle and his need for her voters in his race against Republican John McCain, to allow the gathering of Democrats to look a lot like the Clinton Convention.

The first day, Monday, was dominated by daylong dealmaking between the Clinton and Obama camps over ground rules for the nominating roll call.

The second day's highlight was Clinton's address. Former Virginia Gov. Mark Warner, designated the official convention keynote speaker, was just a footnote in television and newspaper reports. By contrast, among the most replayed shots of the night was of a still-fuming Bill Clinton, tightlipped and teary, watching his wife from a Pepsi Center skybox.

Then came Wednesday, day three of four, when the former president himself spoke. He garnered as much or more attention than what was supposed to be the evening's marquee event, the speech from vice presidential nominee Joe Biden.

As the evening's final speaker, Biden held the so-called prime-time slot. Yet, in Eastern and Central time zones, Biden wound up on TV after many folk's bedtimes and it was Bill Clinton people saw, being cheered so roundly that he had to plead "Please stop ... Please sit" to be heard.

"I love this," the former president said as delegates cheered and cheered for him through a speech that, characteristically, went on longer than it was meant to.

Another surprisingly Clinton-focused event was Wednesday's roll call vote. It climaxed with Obama's acclamation as the Democratic candidate for president — but only after Clinton amassed hundreds of still-diehard delegates and requested the process be shut down to make the night officially Obama's.

Meanwhile, in interviews prominent Clintonites dumped on Team Obama's convention strategy. James Carville carped that the party's message is missing in action in Denver. Paul Begala ridiculed Warner's plan to talk "post-partisan."

It was easy to lose sight of what Bill and Hillary Clinton said from the podium. Their message — forcefully, graciously and unequivocally delivered by both, whatever their private feelings might be: Put the past in the past, get behind Obama and don't let McCain win.

Obama aides insist that by Friday, in the glow of Obama's speech before tens of thousands at a Denver football stadium and history-making ascendance as the nation's first black major-party nominee, they will have accomplished their goal and erased talk of the Clinton v. Obama story line. They say it wasn't a mistake to give the Clintons major roles that spread out over half the convention's four nights.

They had little choice. Clinton won 18 million votes in the bitterly fought primary races and only barely lost the nomination to Obama. The fear that those voters might stay home in November or even switch to McCain gave Clinton considerable leverage and she used it. For instance, Obama's people wanted Bill Clinton to introduce his wife, thereby containing the two Clintons to one night. It didn't happen.

Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell, a Clinton supporter, said the Obama camp gets "an A-plus" for letting Clinton folks "exercise our emotions a little bit."

"It's sort of a smart thing because I think the Clinton delegations are going to leave Denver with a high regard for the Obama forces," he said.

What Obama risked by giving Clinton so much time was losing precious minutes from a convention otherwise designed to convince voters that he's qualified as commander in chief and understands their everyday problems.

There are risks for Clinton too. If Obama loses this year, she is all but certain to make another run at the White House in four years and thus needs to keep her support alive. And to win over Obama's backers.

Hillary Clinton stalwarts see an opportunity for her to emerge from this convention stronger than she came in. Major donors, including many who have been out of touch for a while, are promising to provide whatever she needs to stay viable.

But it's delicate. For if Clinton is seen as fanning her own flames too much, she could get a big share of the blame for any Obama failure. And then her 2012 chances would be severely diminished.

EDITOR'S NOTE _ Jennifer Loven covers the White House for The Associated Press. Nedra Pickler, who writes on politics for the AP, contributed to this report from Denver
posted on August 28, 2008 07:56:27 AM new
Unfortunately, all the adoration of Hillary was necessary to appease the spoiled brat hard-core Hillary-ites. You have to get elected before you can do any good. I have lived a fairly long time (ok, I'm an old bat!)but I have never seen the likes of this--more attention has been paid to the loser of the nomination than the winner. The rules were followed and Obama won fair and square. What's the beef?

posted on August 28, 2008 11:58:17 AM new
Yup, Bill's still got it - Bill is loved and he loves the love and I love watching him.

Hilary was such a close runner and played so prominent a part in this campaign more attention was paid to her because how her and Bill react to Obama has a huge impact on many voters. Obama needed their endorsement more than ever now because he's not running ahead of McCain by any leaps and bounds. It's a fascinating race.

[ edited by kiara on Aug 28, 2008 11:59 AM ]
posted on August 28, 2008 02:02:24 PM new
more attention has been paid to the loser of the nomination than the winner.

One day early in the convention Chris Matthews was working the crowd outside the convention and interviewed some women who represented some outfit called "Clintons for McCain" or something like that. These women claimed to be Hillary supporters who were upset with the process and who swore they would vote for McCain. Interestingly, they then went off on this absurd rant about how they had a 17 page report that proves Obama is a Muslim and dredged up all that email forwarded swiftboat style crap that has been refuted over and over. It became quickly obvious that they were nothing but McCain shills and would NEVER vote for Obama OR Hillary.

On the other hand, I think there are some holdouts who will vote for McCain in spite or just stay home. To me, it's mind boggling that they could do this with the full knowledge that they may be contributing to at least 4 more years of Cheney-Bush policies. It's critically important to vote against McCain, the Democrat candidate's name is secondary by a VERY wide margin.

posted on August 28, 2008 05:08:23 PM new

"It's critically important to vote against McCain, the Democrat candidate's name is secondary by a VERY wide margin."


A vote for McCain is a vote to neglect every issue that this country needs to address. Every priority will be ignored for another four years and left unfunded for another four years by an administration whose only interest is imperialism and the military industrial complex.

A vote for McCain will be a vote for "bomb, bomb, bomb Iran" by a war monger who cheers on and promotes Bush's colossal failure to "bring em on", "smoke em out", "dead or alive". Do those who vote for McCain know that he will draft their children and grandchildren to be destroyed in a war that could be avoided?

posted on August 28, 2008 08:12:54 PM new
Profe and Helen--You are so right. It is imperative that McCain not win. We are mired in the damage Bush/Cheney has done to this country and another 4 years of that would be devastating. Although I am an Obama supporter, I would have voted for Clinton, Biden or any other Democrat who garnered the nomination.

I thought Obama's speech was great tonight. Let's hope a lot of other people thought so too.

Profe--I saw that Chris Matthews interview with a group called PUMA (Party Unity My A--)They said they had a 17 page report from a Congressional Committe, then said it was from a former Congressional investigator, ten refused to name him. Matthews made some remark about their mental stability later in the show.
[ edited by coach81938 on Aug 28, 2008 08:18 PM ]
posted on August 28, 2008 08:38:11 PM new
The attention given to the Clintons during the convention was highly orchestrated and negotiated by them, not their supporters. Bill should have come out with his support and anti-Bush/McCain speech waaaay earlier. The energy of the convention should have been to to deliver undecided voters and left-leaning republicans to Obama. Obama's message of change, bringing a new regime in, has been compromised by them. It's going to be a tight election and the focus on the Clintons, rather than Obama, may result in McCain as president.
[ edited by pixiamom on Aug 28, 2008 08:56 PM ]
posted on August 28, 2008 08:54:24 PM new

"The attention given to the Clintons during the convention was highly orchestrated and negotiated by them. Bill should have come out with his support and anti-Bush speech waaaay earlier

I agree, pixiamom.
Is it possible that Bill and Hillary Clinton are counting on another four years of disaster with McCain as president so that in 2012 Hillary will be easily elected?

It's incredibly ruthless but possible nevertheless.

posted on August 28, 2008 08:57:34 PM new
Unfortunately, Helen, I agree. Passive-agressive at its finest. Edited to add: the right words at the wrong time, deliberately, to reduce Obama's chances of winning and increase the odds of Clinton running in 2012.
[ edited by pixiamom on Aug 28, 2008 09:18 PM ]
posted on August 28, 2008 09:56:13 PM new
That's the one coach. Were they shills for McCain or what? You could never convince me that bunch of nuts would vote for ANY Democrat.

posted on August 29, 2008 07:30:32 AM new
"Were they shills for McCain or what? You could never convince me that bunch of nuts would vote for ANY Democrat."

It is very possible that they were shills for McCain and the GOP. Either that or they were escapees from the nearest rest home. They were scary-strange. In either case, I would hope that they are not Democrats. They actually thought the possibility that Obama may have attended a Muslim school when he was 5 is a salient point. Nuff said!

posted on August 30, 2008 09:56:51 AM new
You could never convince me that bunch of nuts would vote for ANY Democrat.

Except it's only the nut jobs that vote Democratic.

posted on August 30, 2008 12:23:53 PM new
Bill's Still Got It

It's called VD.
posted on August 30, 2008 02:29:07 PM new
"Bill's Still Got It

It's called VD."

With all your informative and fact-filled posts, I am sure you will be able to convince Democrats to vote for McCain/Palin.

posted on August 30, 2008 09:01:27 PM new
Hey barparts, do you ever actually discuss anything, or are you only good for the sleazy one-liners? I'd just like to know so's I don't have to waste my time reading your juvenile posts.

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