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posted on September 3, 2010 05:39:24 PM new
I finally bought a HP wireless printer and I just cant get it connected to my HP/COMPAQ pc?
I can connect with the USB cable but thats not wireless.
If it will work as wireless,I can move it to another room.
Any help out there?
There is no 'Global savings glut',only wild horses and loose bankers.
posted on September 3, 2010 11:56:52 PM new
I asked my hubby as he is very proficient at these things and he suggests that the problem is most likely the location of your wireless router and not a problem with either the computer or printer.
He suggests that you move the router and see if that will work.

posted on September 4, 2010 07:41:18 AM new
Thanks to you and your hubby,but I dont have a router.
HP suggests using Ad hoc network which works for sending information inside a residential home between a computer and a printer without use of router.
I did all that ,it found my printer but cant connect it to my desktop PC.
Then HP suggests changing the firewall restrictions like trusted sites,UDP port.
May be my PC is too old?
There is no 'Global savings glut',only wild horses and loose bankers.
posted on September 4, 2010 12:49:27 PM new
Windows 7 solves a LOT of problems. Hooking up to a wireless network has never been so easy.

posted on September 4, 2010 04:48:33 PM new
Well,after talking to both HP printer and PC support,the conclusion is that my PC does not have a network adapter.
So went to Bestbuy and bought one,so far so good.
I bought my PC in 2003 so I guess it is now an old lady on Medicare!
There is no 'Global savings glut',only wild horses and loose bankers.
posted on September 4, 2010 05:22:27 PM new
that is a fossil by modern computing! lol. i upgrade my computer every 3-4 years... but then again, I am one of those types. You know... the one who has to have the latest (ok, not quite the latest) thing on the shelves.

my understanding with wireless printers is that they have to be connected to a wireless router. that is what I believe my Lexmark states. I don't really have a need for wireless, so I don't bother with it at our store, however if the printer was at home it would be a whole different story with it being 3 floors.

posted on September 4, 2010 06:05:07 PM new
This is my 4th PC,I cant believe it lasts so long.
Who has time to upgrade,it works fine but I dont have much loaded on my PC.
With the later PC model,it has built in network adapter and if you are just using it at home with another PC or a printer,then HP suggests AD HOC network and they will give you the network name called 'hpsetup' so you just add your pc and printer and whatever to this network,no need for router.
I would think other printer makers will offer this ad hoc feature as well.
Actually I do have a network adapter for my laptop which I bought in Asia to surf online,but I dont know if it will work here?
The Chinese call it a finger because it sticks out of the side of your laptop and I dont know it is called network adapter in English!
There is no 'Global savings glut',only wild horses and loose bankers.
posted on September 4, 2010 06:14:57 PM new
While talking to the HP technical support person,he loaded my pc with a piece of software which allows him t o take over my PC and I can actually watch him moving the cursor going around checking my network setting,device manager etc.
Some day they can download some piece of software inside our brain and take over our body,and when the central system deems our physical body ready for junkyard,it will shut us down remote and if we try to disable that feature,robot police wil come to our house and take us away !
Not a science fiction !
There is no 'Global savings glut',only wild horses and loose bankers.
posted on September 4, 2010 07:16:44 PM new
"Some day they can download some piece of software inside our brain and take over our body, and when the central system deems our physical body ready for junkyard, it will shut us down remote and if we try to disable that feature, robot police wil come to our house and take us away!"

hwahwa, that's part of the new health care plan. Just a few more years. That's how Social Security will be kept solvent in the future.

Bill K-
William J Kozersky Stamp Co.
posted on September 4, 2010 07:57:46 PM new
thats funny,someone in SS will do it manually,one by one shutting us down!
There is no 'Global savings glut',only wild horses and loose bankers.
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