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posted on July 7, 2005 06:33:58 PM new
Psychiatrists in a Romanian town say they are being overwhelmed with cases of 'mother-in-law syndrome'.

It's the name they've given to mental problems suffered by men who have to share their home with their mothers-in-law.

Doctors in Botosani say tens of men every week are asking for help in dealing with anxiety and increased nervousness.

Dr. Nicolae Vlad, head of Botosani's Psychiatry Hospital, told 7 Plus newspaper: "These men believe they are the head of the family but in fact they're not.

"They simply do what their mothers-in-law let them and this situations lead to obsessions and sexual disfunctions.

"We can treat these men but in some cases group therapy is needed which may include the wife and the mother-in-law among participants."

He added: "We noticed there is no such mental disease described in specialised documentation. Now we have a profile for the subject: male, 35, living with in-laws especially in rural areas."


A word to the wise ain't necessary, it's the stupid ones that need the advice."
- Bill Cosby
posted on July 7, 2005 07:07:56 PM new
Anyone having their MIL live with them would experience additional stress I'd think. And even though I believe I was very lucky to have a wonderful MIL, I'm sure it would have been hard living with her too.

But in your article, bear, I'd question just why these men are living with their MIL's. Is it out of need, and if so whose need...the husband who can't afford to take care of his own family....or the one who can't stand up to his wife and let her know how this in making him feel?

And if they 'simply do what their MIL's let them' ...then that's their fault and maybe someone will put them on the road to manhood in short order.

posted on July 7, 2005 07:12:29 PM new
Maybe it is the way of life there to live that way and that is why there is so many. In some countries daughters never move to far away from their mother.

posted on July 8, 2005 08:09:00 AM new
My first MIL & I got along great, Better than her daughter and I did.

A word to the wise ain't necessary, it's the stupid ones that need the advice."
- Bill Cosby
posted on July 9, 2005 07:54:38 PM new
At the risk of being accused of over-generalizing here, I have to say that I've noticed in many of the men we know from Eastern Europe a very pronounced and patronizing attitude toward their wives. A "knowing" that they should rule the roost and dominate the household. My guess is that a mother-in-law coming in to live with the family might be a bit older and wiser and KNOW that men don't know any more than women do. And she might side with her daughter if the husband is too domineering or even perhaps abusive. Just guessing here, but I think those men are feeling a loss of power, and some wise person once said that no group in power EVER gives up their power willingly.

posted on July 9, 2005 08:04:11 PM new
I agree Roadsmith but Eastern European men don't have a lock on it, there are misguided men around the world.

How are the wives faring with this situation, that wasn't discussed.
I think it may have a lot to do with loss of privacy, can't imagine living with parents or in-laws.

--"These men believe they are the head of the family but in fact they're not. --

Maybe if these men change their attitude about being the head of the family and realize that their wives are equal partners,

they would be mentally healthier.

posted on July 9, 2005 08:43:40 PM new
"equal partners..."


OTOH: Ralphie is trying to talk me into abandoning our carefree bachelor squalor and ordering a mail-order bride from Elbonia...

Tempting, as I'm sick & tired of picking up my own BVDs off the floor, & he has delusions of 3 hour belly-rubs...

But, I'm not totally convinced, yet...

Whaddya you all

"I'm going to spend a lot of time on Social Security. I enjoy it. I enjoy taking on the issue. I guess, it's the Mother in me."—Guess Who? Washington D.C., April 14, 2005
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