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posted on August 28, 2005 05:54:11 AM new
I was really surprised at seeing this, this morning. On the featured AOL headline stories, the article regarding what all is going on in Crawford, TX today, includes an opinion poll,

"Which side do you support?
The Bush supporters 48%
The anti-war protesters 45%
Neither 7%
Total Votes (so far) 148,312"

edited to update the numbers (wow, the total votes # goes up about a thousand every couple minutes, so i'll post update numbers later today)
[ edited by aintrichyet on Aug 28, 2005 05:58 AM ]
posted on August 28, 2005 05:56:29 AM new
Ohhh and AOL pol, now where is peepa? He loves these.

posted on August 28, 2005 06:42:12 AM new
I don't give much credence to polls one way or the other. Unless everyone in the US is polled, they are really meaningless. WIth regard to Crawford, TX, they are well within their rights as Americans to protest. Whether someone agrees or disagrees with what they're saying really makes no difference in the larger scheme of things. The majority of Americans do not support the president and this war. As of 8/25, the CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll shows that 40% approve of the president and 56% disapprove of the way George W. Bush is handling his job as president. These are not good numbers.

And, before anyone says these are biased polls, do a Google search. They are ALL saying the same thing as far as the numbers go.

[ edited by cblev65252 on Aug 28, 2005 06:42 AM ]
posted on August 28, 2005 07:10:09 PM new
AOL, MoveOn, Miss Minnie's third grade class, are all just a waste of typing space, but the scientific pollsters usually get numbers within TENTHS of the actual result.

I guess Gallup, etc "guess" very, very, well.

posted on August 28, 2005 07:30:03 PM new
Doesn't look like Bush's war support speeches are doing him much good here or in Iraq.

Updated: 09:54 PM EDT
Sunnis Reject Draft of Iraqi Constitution
President Bush Looks Ahead to Referendum

BAGHDAD, Iraq (Aug. 28) - Iraqi negotiators finished the new constitution Sunday and referred it to the voters but without the endorsement of Sunni Arabs, a major setback for the U.S. strategy to lure Sunnis away from the insurgency and hasten the day U.S. troops can go home.

The absence of Sunni Arab endorsement, after more than two months of intensive negotiations, raised fears of more violence and set the stage for a bitter political fight ahead of an Oct. 15 nationwide referendum on the document.

A political battle along religious and ethnic lines threatened to sharpen communal divisions at a time when relations among the Shiites, Sunni Arabs and Kurds appear to be worsening.

Sunni negotiators delivered their rejection in a joint statement shortly after the draft was submitted to parliament. They branded the final version as "illegitimate'' and asked the Arab League, the United Nations and "international organizations'' to intervene against the document.

Intervention is unlikely, however, and no further amendments to the draft are possible under the law, said a legal expert on the drafting committee, Hussein Addab.

"I think if this constitution passes as it is, it will worsen everything in the country,'' said Saleh al-Mutlaq, a Sunni negotiator.

President Bush expressed disappointment that the Sunnis did not sign on but pinned his hopes on the referendum, saying it was a chance for Iraqis to "set the foundation for a permanent Iraqi government.''

There is more to the article at

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