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posted on October 12, 2007 11:07:51 AM new


Black eye for former Gov. Jeb "Blowing in the Wind" Bush and present Gov. Charlie "Guily Until Proven Innocent" Crist!

"What me worry?""childrens do learn"
posted on October 12, 2007 12:43:50 PM new
So a jury finding the guards "Not guilty" is a black eye for Bush & Crist?

Sounds like justice has been served in the eyes of the law.

Had the kid not committed a CRIME, he wouldn't have been there in the FIRST place.

It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God that such men lived.George S. Patton
posted on October 12, 2007 01:29:31 PM new
"So a jury finding the guards "Not guilty" is a black eye for Bush & Crist?"


If you knew anything about this case, you would KNOW that DUMBO-LITE and NO-NADS CHARLIE filed TRUMPED-UP charges against these OBVIOUSLY NOT-GUILTY, but PC-ABUSED defendants in a pathetic attempt to kiss NAACP butt...

DISGUSTING when people need to be indicted ONLY to appease the likes of REV HATRED AL SHARPTON...

"What me worry?""childrens do learn"
posted on October 12, 2007 04:13:35 PM new
Don't worry, it's a temporary setback. Wait till they start appeasing people with the Jena 6. AP (I think) had the original story of what actually happened at the time. The 5 min sound bites you hear today are about 180 degrees away.

posted on October 12, 2007 10:35:10 PM new
I'm sorry, Bear. maybe you could provide light on the crime committed by the juvenile that warranted the DEATH PENALTY?
posted on October 13, 2007 05:13:58 AM new

Good question, Pixiamom.

He was brought there for violating probation for misappropriating his grandmother’s car and trespassing at a school.

Do those minor offenses in Bear's opinion justify beating a child to death?

posted on October 13, 2007 08:06:29 AM new

A G.A.O study was released Wednesday regarding abuse and death that has ocurred in boot camps during the last fifteen years.

Abuse and Death in Programs for Troubled Youth

posted on October 13, 2007 10:01:00 AM new
Sounds like justice has been served in the eyes of the law.

More like justice in your eyes. Joyride in gramma's car and trespass somewhere. Penalty: get beaten and suffocated by "trained" guards.

Yeah, justice. What a stupid thing to say.

posted on October 13, 2007 10:49:00 AM new

Tom, apparently you misinterpreted my reply as a defense of the charges. Actually my reply was in response to the absurdity of the charges in the first place.

'm sorry, Bear. maybe you could provide light on the crime committed by the juvenile that warranted the DEATH PENALTY?

{b]Obviously YOU didnt read all the details of the case. The kid didnt die at the hands of the guards but of a undiagnosed BLOOD Disease[/b]

Sounds like justice has been served in the eyes of the law. Joyride in gramma's car and trespass somewhere. Penalty: get beaten and suffocated by "trained" guards.

The NOT GUILTY verdict PROVES it so.

All this was is another case of Guilty before being found innocent in the eyes of the liberal press.

ABC Turns Presumption of Innocence Upside Down in Boot-Camp Case: 'Enough Evidence to Acquit?'
Photo of Mark Finkelstein.
By Mark Finkelstein | October 13, 2007 - 09:03 ET

The principle that there is a presumption of innocence in favor of the accused is the undoubted law, axiomatic and elementary, and its enforcement lies at the foundation of the administration of our criminal law -- U.S. Supreme Court, Coffin v. United States [1895].

Was [there] enough evidence to find that they were not guilty? -- ABC News, Matter of Martin Lee Anderson [2007].

Forget that musty old 19th-century Supreme Court stuff. According to ABC, there's a new legal standard in criminal cases; at least those in which the MSM has a rooting interest. Henceforth, the presumption of innocence in such cases is abolished. There shall be a presumption of guilt, and the burden will be on the accused to produce enough evidence to acquit himself.

ABC's Kate Snow pronounced the new ruling in the course of interviewing the attorney and parents of Martin Lee Anderson, the 14-year old African-American boy whose death led to the indictment of employees of the Florida boot camp where he died. All the defendants were acquitted yesterday, but that wasn't good enough for Snow.

KATE SNOW: Gina [Jones, Martin Lee Anderson's mother], this was an all-white jury. Do you think if the make-up of the jury had been different, that you would be talking about a different verdict this morning?

GINA JONES: Maybe, yes.

SNOW: Maybe, but you're not sure.


SNOW: Do you think there was enough evidence to find that they were not guilty?


While the Ivy-educated Snow apparently doesn't grasp the rudiments of our justice system, the boy's father did. His response clearly reflected his recognition that the burden of proof lay on the prosecution.

ROBERT ANDERSON: There was enough evidence [to convict]. It was right there in black and white. I mean, what else did you need, a rocket scientist to figure it out? All the evidence in the world, and they still came back with this not-guilty crap.

—Mark Finkelstein is a NewsBusters contributing editor and host of Right Angle. Contact him at [email protected].

It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God that such men lived.George S. Patton
posted on October 13, 2007 11:37:52 AM new
It's a TRAGEDY...

It's a TRAGEDY that his parents didn't teach him the difference between RIGHT & WRONG...

It's a TRAGEDY that he decided to be a little hoodlum and steal his grannie's car...

It's a TRAGEDY his parents HID the fact of his SICKLE CELL TRAIT from the authorities...

It's a TRAGEDY that he decided to hurl obsenities at the drill instructors after receiving duly lawful orders from them to COMPLY WITH THE RULES...

It's a TRAGEDY he died because of his underlying disease condition that, if his parents hadn't hidden. would have precluded him from the camp...

It's a TRAGEDY that Gov Dumbo-Lite Bush and Attorney-Gen Chicken-Sheet Crist buckled under to pressure from the NAACP and declared these DIs GUILTY until proven INNOCENT, thus SUBVERTING the RULE of LAW in the STATE of FL, establishing a justice system based NOT on evidence, but rather on which special insterest groups can exert the most pressure...and, folks: THAT'S A TRAGEDY!

"What me worry?""childrens do learn"

[ edited by tomwiii on Oct 13, 2007 11:42 AM ]
posted on October 13, 2007 11:49:48 AM new

Good grief, another one!

posted on October 13, 2007 12:05:39 PM new

Because I believe in the RULE OF LAW?

Because I believe that trials should be conducted based on EVIDENCE and NOT emotion; and NOT because of pressure from so-called "leaders" like REV HATE?

The most disgusting thing I heard out of this "trial" (more a kangeroo court) was the NAACP's comment about the TWO black DI's: that since they're LAW ENFORCEMENT, they ain't be REAL black men!!! How insulting! How totally, disgustingly...RACIST!

"What me worry?""childrens do learn"

[ edited by tomwiii on Oct 13, 2007 12:07 PM ]
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