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Proven herbal remedies for maintaining normal perspiration & supporting sweat gland health.



  • Promotes the body's natural cleansing methods for healthy sweat glands and normal perspiration
DeodoRite Benefits:
  • Support the natural detox and cleansing functions of the body
  • Maintain perspiration within the normal limits
  • Cleanse the body of toxins and improve liver functioning
  • Encourage the maintenance of efficient elimination of waste products
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I always worry about how I smell and hate it when I am sweaty. I believe I have finally found a solution in your natural remedy... Thanks for a great remedy that is truly effective.

—Karen (26 Years Old)

All about body hygiene

We have all experienced body odor at some time in our life - whether it was after sweating through a particularly strenuous sports activity or wearing a certain pair of shoes that always seem to cause smelly feet! Body odor can be unpleasant as well as embarrassing and for some people, it is a constant worry.

Though most people think of body odor as being caused by perspiration, there is more to the problem than this. Body odor is actually produced by a combination of anaerobic bacteria and products excreted from your body during exertion or periods of raised metabolism.

Moisture and the secretions of apocrine sweat glands promote the growth of these bacteria on the skin which result in an odor. Perspiration itself has no particular smell.

The smell of waste products excreted by our bodies is also affected by toxins we have ingested or absorbed into our bodies. In a modern environment our bodies are subjected to a host of chemicals and toxins in our food - including pollution in the air and even household cleaning products.

Diet is another important factor affecting body odor. Certain foods, such as onion, garlic, spicy dishes, fried foods and coffee can dramatically, though temporarily, increase unpleasant body odor. People who are prone to body odor should avoid these types of food. In the long-term, poor dietary habits can also lead to occasional constipation and micronutrient deficiencies - two other culprits of body odor.

Excessive sweating and/or body odor are sometimes an indication of an underlying ailment including liver disease, metabolic disorders or periods of hormonal change like puberty or menopause. If you have experienced a sudden and persistent change in perspiration or body odor it is important to consult your health care provider to exclude an underlying medical condition.

How is common body odor usually treated?

If there is no underlying medical cause for the problem of common body odor, most people go through a process of looking for an antiperspirant or deodorant product that will rid them of unpleasant body odor. Underarm and foot deodorants or antiperspirants are popular options.

Some people may try brand after brand to try to promote body freshness. However, these synthetic deodorants and antiperspirants are also not without their own health risks.

Antiperspirants and deodorants contain substances like aluminum, polyethylene, talc and dimethicone. These chemicals have been associated with many health problems including Alzheimer’s, kidney disease and cancer.

The natural way

There is a lot that can be done naturally to help combat body odor. Try to avoid refined sugars in your diet as they can contribute to bad smells (and garlic especially!). Sweating is a great way to flush out toxins – so try to jog or sit in a sauna to promote sweating and detox. Alcohol and tobacco is known to contribute to bad body odor – so try to cut back or avoid smoking and drinking completely.

What is DeodoRite?

DeodoRite is a 100% safe and effective internal natural remedy, especially formulated to support the natural cleansing functions of the body, helping to keep us smelling as sweet as nature intended!

The formula has been specially manufactured to support the healthy elimination of toxins from the body, promote healthy liver functioning and maintain the health of the sweat glands.

How has DeodoRite helped others?

I must say it truly helps! For me the change was instant!  … Since using this product [DeodoRite] I still sweat but within normal ranges. Even when I am just sitting at my desk sometimes I can't even tell I am sweating until I see the patch in the mirror.  Thanks!!!!

—Lesa G., CA, USA

I just wanted to give you some feedback on your DeodoRite remedy. My teenage son was really worried about hygiene and it began to affect his social life, participation at school and also his self-esteem. We purchased DeodoRite for him as a last resort - not really expecting that it would help much. We were certainly wrong - within the first week of use we noticed an improvement. He then also began to change his diet - less fast food and more fresh fruit and vegetables (No teenage boy’s favorite food!). It has now been just over a month and the change in my son is heart-warming. He is regaining his confidence and even socializing with girls these days! Thank you for an excellent remedy!

—Joan C.

I have finally found the solution in your natural remedy. As a woman, feeling sweaty and in need of a shower from about 10:30 am every day is very demoralizing and not good for feeling attractive and feminine. When I met my boyfriend I noticed that he didn’t even use deodorant and yet always smelt clean and fresh. I finally thought I must do something and searched on the internet only to find your remedy. I have been taking DeodoRite for a while now and I’m so happy to report that I am able to choose my fragrances based on what I like rather than just throwing the strongest men’s antiperspirant into my shopping basket. Thanks for a great remedy that is truly effective.

—Karen, 26

Disclaimer: Testimonials have been edited to comply with FDA regulations. While positive results are likely, the testimonials used are general results and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results - individual results may vary.

What are the Ingredients?

Deodo-Rite contains contains the following carefully selected ingredients in therapeutic dosage:

Native Remedies' products are created using our Full Spectrum Approach™ (FSA), a set of standards and processes that combines the best quality, laboratory-tested, raw ingredients, good manufacturing practices and a Full Spectrum manufacturing method to guarantee you products of the highest quality, safety and effectiveness.

Our products are not tested on animals.

  • Cleavers (Galium aperine) is an excellent cleansing tonic and has a particularly beneficial effect on the lymph system, which controls movement of fluid in the body and is also a mechanism of toxin clearance from the body. Regular use supports the natural detoxification processes of the body, including the skin through the sweat glands. (MacDonald, R. “Cleansing with Common Weeds”. 2003;Alive: Canadian Journal of Health & Nutrition(245):50-52.)
  • Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum) is especially respected as an excellent liver tonic. The liver is vital in expelling toxins from the body. Milk Thistle supports the healthy functioning of the liver as well as excretion of toxins.  (Sonnenbichler J, Mattersberger J and Rosen H (1976) “Stimulation of RNA synthesis in rat liver and isolated hepatocytes by silybin, an anti-hepatotoxic agent from Silybum marianum” L. Gaertn. Hoppe Seyler's Z Physiol Chem  357:  1171-1180 Medline.)
  • Silica (D6) has the unique ability to cleanse the cells of toxins and support a healthy, fresh smelling body. Silica is naturally occurring in the body, especially in hair, nails, skin, nerve sheaths and all mucus membranes, including the mouth and digestive tract. Silica acts as a natural cleanser and purifier and will also eliminate all foreign matter in the body. For this reason Silica should not be used by individuals with any type of prosthesis, metal plates, pins or artificial tubes in the body.
  • Calc sulph (D6) is a blood purifying tissue salt which is effective in maintaining healthy lymphatic fluid. Calc sulph has a cleansing and purifying effect throughout the system.
  • Mag phos (D6) is a biochemic tissue salt which maintains healthy digestive processes and supports efficiency of intestinal absorption. Mag. phos. is also known to keep the blood at a healthy, alkaline pH and is often recommended alongside Calc sulph to maintain body freshness and hygiene.
  • Merc sol (30C) is often recommended to maintain healthy activity in the sweat glands and to keep perspiration within normal levels. It is also well known as a remedy to promote the maintenance of routine mouth freshness and oral hygiene – supporting oral health from the inside out.  
  • Lactose (inactive ingredient)

How do I use DeodoRite?

Taken regularly, DeodoRite will help to support the natural cleansing and purifying functions of the body and maintain healthy levels of perspiration, supporting freshness and hygiene throughout the body, including the underarms, feet and mouth.


Adults and Teenagers: Dissolve two tablets in a clean mouth three times daily.

Children: Dissolve one tablet in a clean mouth three times daily.


Safety during pregnancy and nursing has not yet been established. Due to its ability to eliminate toxins or foreign objects from the body, DeodoRite should not be used by people with internal prosthetic devices.

NOTE: Wash body or affected areas (e.g. underarms, feet) with ClearSkin Skin Wash for extra control.

How long until I see results?

Most people will experience support within the first few days of taking DeodoRite, though it may take 3-6 weeks to see the full effectiveness.

How long will a bottle last?

One bottle of DeodoRite contains 125 tablets and will last approximately 3 weeks (or 6 weeks at children’s dosage).

To save more than 33% on your DeodoRite purchase, see our Buy 2 Get 1 Free special see our offer.

The statements regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The information on this Web site or in emails is designed for educational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for informed medical advice or care. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting your pediatrician or family doctor. Please consult a doctor with any questions or concerns you might have regarding your or your child’s condition.

All images on this site are property of Native Remedies LLC and/or the original image licensors. The content of these images is not meant to suggest that the person depicted uses or endorses our products or services. Informational material and representations have been provided by the manufacturers of the listed products. Copyright © 1997-2009 Native Remedies, LLC. All rights reserved.

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