Liver Dr.™

Price: $36.96

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Remedy which increases your intake of herbs to support healthy liver and gallbladder functioning.


Liver Dr.

  • Supports healthy liver functioning
Liver Dr. Benefits:
  • Supports healthy liver functioning and systemic health
  • Maintain the liver’s ability to support skin health and systemic detox
  • Supports liver in the breakdown of dietary fat 
  • Supports continued gall bladder health and functioning  

Related products:

  • For a homeopathic remedy that supports blood sugar within the healthy range and supports pancreatic health visit Triple Complex Diabetonic


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I have to thank you… I have been using Liver Dr. … and I have really seen the effects. Thanks for a great product- I am definitely going to keep taking it!
- J.F. (34 Years Old)


What does your liver do?

The liver is found within the lower part of the rib-cage on the right hand side of the body.  It has a huge variety of functions in the body and is the only organ that can repair and re-grow itself after damage.

The liver is the second largest organ in the body and is often seen as the most important organ. In traditional Chinese medicine, for example, a healthy liver is seen as the most critical element in the body's ability to fight disease and function optimally.

For this reason, complementary and holistic medicine always emphasizes liver health as one of the most vital components in overall systemic health. Amongst other important functions, the liver is responsible for eliminating and detoxifying the poisons that enter our blood stream.

The liver is also very important in the digestion of food and produces bile which is essential in the breakdown of fats, thereby preventing obesity – one of the biggest contributors to bad health. It also regulates blood sugar and stores any excess sugar in a useful ‘quick-release’ form for when it is needed.

The liver clears the blood of old red blood cells, bacteria and other infectious organisms as well as ingested toxins including alcohol. It is responsible for producing a large number of different proteins including hormones and blood clotting factors and is the organ which stores Vitamin A, D, E and K.

In the modern world, environmental pollution, fast foods, drugs, alcohol and sedentary lifestyles all contribute to sluggish and diseased livers. The result?

  • Depressed immune systems
  • Constant fatigue
  • Obesity
  • Sluggish livers and digestive systems
  • Allergies
  • Respiratory ailments
  • Unhealthy skin
  • Many other health problems.

The liver’s functioning does not really decrease with age so, in the absence of disease, the liver should work optimally right into very old age – helping to keep all body systems functioning normally and supporting overall vitality and protection from illness. The maintenance of optimal liver functioning is therefore of vital importance in the quest for holistic health.

The natural way

The maintenance of liver health responds well to a holistic approach, including complementary medicine, avoidance of alcohol, drugs and other toxins as well as a healthy diet and regular exercise. 

In the old days people used to say that they were ‘feeling liverish’ to describe a feeling of being bloated, uncomfortable, slightly nauseous and lacking in energy. Liver tonics were more widely used than they are today – with good effect.

Here are some useful liver supporting tips:

  • Avoid alcohol completely if you have any liver problems. 
  • Quit smoking.
  • Exercise regularly and drink plenty of water (preferably purified or still mineral water).
  • Be aware of the effects of many prescription and OTC medications on the liver.  Even seemingly safe medications like paracetamol can be extremely toxic and damaging to the liver. Read all package inserts and consult your doctor when in doubt.
  • Avoid eating raw shellfish. These can harbor bacteria that cause severe infections in people with liver disease.

A holistic approach to liver health is your best chance of keeping this vital organ healthy and functioning well into old age. This includes a wide range of herbs, traditionally known to support liver health and functioning.

What is Liver Dr.?

At Native Remedies, we recognize the vital importance of liver health – for quality of life and wellbeing, as well as for maintaining the important liver functions of detoxification and protection via healthy immune systems. For this reason, together with the experts, we developed Liver Dr. to address these important health needs.

Liver Dr. is a 100% herbal remedy containing herbs known for their ability to support the functioning of the liver, thereby improving overall systemic health.

Apart from their beneficial effect on the liver, the herbs chosen for Liver Dr. also have other important therapeutic benefits, which further contribute to a healthy body and better quality of life.

Liver Dr. comes in concentrated and easy to use tincture form and is formulated to be easily absorbed into the system.

How has Liver Dr. helped others?

I have to thank you for helping me... I have been using Liver Dr. …and I have really seen the effects. Amazingly, I have already noticed that… I have more energy… Thanks for a great product - I am definitely going to keep taking it!


Although I wouldn’t call myself a big drinker I certainly feel the effects of a few glasses of wine the morning after. Knowing I had a number of parties and functions coming up I decided to …give your Liver Dr. a try. Not only did I feel 100% after my nights out - I have been feeling better and more healthy overall. I am going to make your Liver Dr. a regular supplement - it’s great to enjoy a few drinks with my friends without the guilt of how I am damaging my liver or the reminder the next day!

—Amy, USA

My husband took the information from your site to his Dr. who researched the ingredients and said they would be “liver friendly” and he could give the product a try. Ray has been using Liver Dr. for 3 months now ...Thank you so much!

—A very grateful wife

Disclaimer: Testimonials have been edited to comply with FDA regulations. While positive results are likely, the testimonials used are general results and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results - individual results may vary.

What are the Ingredients?

Liver Dr. contains the following ingredients:

Native Remedies' products are created using our Full Spectrum Approach™ (FSA), a set of standards and processes that combines the best quality, laboratory-tested, raw ingredients, good manufacturing practices and a Full Spectrum manufacturing method to guarantee you products of the highest quality, safety and effectiveness.

This product contains no animal products, gluten, artificial colors, flavors or preservatives, is suitable for lacto-vegetarians, is not tested on animals.

  • Milk Thistle (Silybum marianus) is an excellent and highly regarded liver tonic. (Pares A, Planas R, Torres M, et al. “Effects of silymarin in alcoholic patients with cirrhosis of the liver: results of a controlled, double-blind, randomized and multicenter trial.” J Hepatol 1998;28(4):615-621.)( Benda L, Dittrich H, Ferenzi P, et al.”The influence of therapy with silymarin on the survival rate of patients with liver cirrhosis (author's transl)”. Wien Klin Wochenschr 1980;92(19):678-683.) Milk Thistle is also regarded as a potent antioxidant.
  • Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) contains bitter principles which have a beneficial tonic effect on the liver and digestive system. (Kuusi T, Pyylaso H, and Autio K. “The bitterness properties of dandelion.” II. Chemical investigations. Lebensm-Wiss Technol 1985;18:347-349. )(Maliakal, P. P. and Wanwimolruk, S. “Effect of herbal teas on hepatic drug metabolizing enzymes in rats.” J Pharm Pharmacol 2001;53(10):1323-1329.)( Chen, Z. “Clinical study of 96 cases with chronic hepatitis B treated with jiedu yanggan gao by a double-blind method”. Zhong.Xi.Yi.Jie.He.Za Zhi. 1990;10(2):71-4, 67.) It is considered a very effective general tonic and is known to support healthy bile flow.  Dandelion also supports gall bladder functioning.  It is a rich source of vitamins and minerals, including Vitamin A, D, and C, various B Vitamins, iron, lecithin, silicon, potassium, magnesium, zinc and manganese.
  • Vervain (Verbena officinalis) has been traditionally recommended as a liver tonic but is also known to have a number of other health promoting properties.(Deepak, M. and Handa, S. S. “Anti-inflammatory activity and chemical composition of extracts of Verbena officinalis”. Phytother.Res 2000;14(6):463-465.)

When diluted as directed, Liver Dr contains less than 1% pharmaceutical grade alcohol as a natural preservative.

How do I use Liver Dr.?

Liver Dr. comes in convenient tincture form that can be diluted in water or juice. Although the percentage of alcohol (in the form of a natural preservative) in the remedy is minute, those wanting to remove it altogether can dilute the drops in boiled water and allow it to cool before drinking.

This will ensure that all traces of alcohol are evaporated off the remedy with each dose.  


Adults: Dilute 15 drops in about 1/4 cup water or juice three times daily.

Children over 6: One drop per age year in 1/4 cup of water or juice three times daily.

Get optimum results with regular use

While conventional medicine works by often treating just the symptoms, natural medicine strives to create holistic balance in the body to support systemic health, relieve ailments, and help prevent future disease. Unlike pharmaceutical drugs, the natural ingredients in our remedies support overall health and functioning (rather than just suppressing symptoms).  

People respond to natural medicine in different ways, some of our satisfied customers experience immediate results while many others have reported optimal benefits taking effect within 3-6 weeks. To ensure you receive optimum results it is important to take natural remedies as directed and remain consistent. You may also find that a smaller maintenance dose is beneficial for ongoing support, many customers report taking a regular maintenance dose as part of a preventative program for continued health and well-being.


Safety during pregnancy and breastfeeding has not been established.

Liver Dr. is highly recommended along with the following natural remedies for maximum support.

  • ImmunityPlus™ is used to promote full immune system support
  • Fatique Fighter™ is used to promote healthy levels of energy and stamina
  • Insulate Plus™ is used to maintain healthy blood sugar levels and promote pancreatic health

How long until I see results?

With regular use, results should be noticed within 3 - 6 weeks, although some people may respond sooner. 

How long will a bottle last?

One bottle of Liver Dr. should last 3-4 weeks.

To save more than 33% on your Liver Dr. purchase, see our Buy 2 Get 1 Free special below.

The statements regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The information on this Web site or in emails is designed for educational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for informed medical advice or care. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting your pediatrician or family doctor. Please consult a doctor with any questions or concerns you might have regarding your or your child’s condition.

All images on this site are property of Native Remedies LLC and/or the original image licensors. The content of these images is not meant to suggest that the person depicted uses or endorses our products or services. Informational material and representations have been provided by the manufacturers of the listed products. Copyright © 1997-2009 Native Remedies, LLC. All rights reserved.

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