Slate Matte

Price: $15.00

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4 grams

Our eye shadows are hypoallergenic, long lasting and fun. These eye shadows can be applied dry for a more subtle color or wet for a bolder look. Since we have a huge array of eye shadows, you might find it hard to choose the ones right for you. If you don’t know if you can wear warm or cool colors, simply see whether you look better in gold (warm) or in silver (cool) or both (neutral). Another trick is to look at the palm side of your wrist. If your veins are blue, you are a cool, if your veins are green, you look best in warm.  To apply the eye shadows as an eyeliner simply wet a thin eye lining brush (or even a lip brush) and dip into the lid of the eye shadow container. With a steady hand, guide the brush over the top of your eyelid, right where your lashes meet your skin.                                                                                                                                                Our products go through a very stringent 100% quality control check to
make sure our customers receive a high quality organic product .

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