2010 Enchanted Crystal Series: Spinel Essence Energy

Price: $13.49

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Founder: Gabriela Yasmin Szafman

Spinel is often called the great imposter of the gemstone world, being mistaken for all sorts of other gemstones, often on purpose.

Spinel is commonly mistaken for ruby, sapphires and tanzanite.

Of the worlds crown jewels, most of what was thought to be rubies, are actually spinel.

The most infamous is certainly Prince Edward's (the Black Prince, eldest son of King Edward III of Britain in the Middle Ages) magnificent 170 carat red "ruby" that currently adorns the Imperial State crown in the British Crown jewels, was discovered in the 1940s to actually be red spinel.

Another would be a 352 carat stone currently owned by Queen Elizabeth, the Timur Ruby, which has the names of all the Mighal emperors who previously own it, engraved on the face...turned out to be red spinel, as well....just imagine.

It's wonderful brilliance, hardness and wonderful range of spectacular colors makes this gemstone a favor amongst dealers. It's colors range from reds, pinks, violet, and blues.

Due to the fact that it is actually spinels that are created in a laboratory to be used for imitation birthstone rings, most often people think "fake" when they hear the name spinel.

The name spinel is derived from the Greek spinther, which means sparkling.

It was valued as a gemstone and protective stone by the Greeks and Romans due to its sparkling colors.

Spinel will Work:

Spinel is said to be able to clarify thoughts and creative ideas, as well as attracting the help that is required for any given situation.

Black will help one be in charge of situations and to handle other people in a correct manner.

Blue or Gray colored spinel will enhance discrimination, especially about friends and what situations we become involved in, also quite good for spiritual communication.

Dark Green is said to enhance communication skills as well as increase money.

Light Green is told to be worn when one feels fear.

Pink is the color that is quite good for couples in relationships as it fosters love.

Peach is said to build self-esteem and soften criticism towards others or oneself.

Red is excellent for increasing vitality, confidence and leadership.

Violet is used to avoid being victimize, and helps enhance communication between generations.

Yellow is said to be for those with low self-esteem as it fosters a stronger belief in one's own abilities.


Energy: Projective

Element: Fire

Powers: Energy and money

Spinel is used in magic to lend energy to the physical body, it is also worn for the same purpose.

I can be used to boost physical strength during periods of excessive exertion.

It is also used in spells designed to attract riches and wealth.

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