Maha Choan Attunement

Price: $13.49

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Founder: Gabriela Yasmin Szafman

The Maha Chohan is the head, or hierarch, of the Seven Chohans of the Rays. His name means “the Great Lord,” which is an office in the hierarchy of the Great White Brotherhood.

He embodies the White Light of the Seven Rays and teaches the balance and integration of these rays through the eighth ray.

He also teaches that true love carries every other virtue and every other point of Gods Mastery.

The Maha Chohan is a representative of the Holy Spirit to Earth and her evolutions.

He initiates souls in the secret chamber of the heart and helps them prepare to receive all nine gifts of the Holy Spirit: wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, miracles, prophecy, discernment of spirits, speaking in tongues and interpretation of tongues.

Because of his pledge to all mankind to keep the flame until they are able, he is sometimes called the “Keeper of the Flame.”

The retreat of the Maha Chohan is located over Sri Lanka, formerly Ceylon, an island in the Indian Ocean

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