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posted on July 8, 2005 12:25:12 PM new

The threat or use of violence, often against the civilian population, to achieve political or social ends, to intimidate opponents, or to publicize grievances. The term dates from the Reign of Terror (1793—94) in the French Revolution but has taken on additional meaning in the 20th cent. Terrorism involves activities such as assassinations, bombings, random killings, and hijackings. Used for political, not military, purposes, and most typically by groups too weak to mount open assaults, it is a modern tool of the alienated, and its psychological impact on the public has increased because of extensive coverage by the media. Political terrorism also may be part of a government campaign to eliminate the opposition, as under Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, and others, or may be part of a revolutionary effort to overthrow a regime. Terrorist attacks also are now a common tactic in guerrilla warfare. Governments find attacks by terrorist groups difficult to prevent; international agreements to tighten borders or return terrorists for trial may offer some deterrence.


posted on July 8, 2005 12:35:03 PM new

Here is the link to Wikipedia Encyclopedia, where you may find a very thorough definition of terrorism.


posted on July 8, 2005 12:37:48 PM new
From the same link I provided on the last page:

This one's on just eco-terrorists:

The term eco-terrorism is a neologism which has been used to describe threats and acts of violence (both against people and against property), sabotage, vandalism, property damage and intimidation committed in the name of environmentalism. As a pejorative term, "eco-terrorism" has also been used to describe legally-protected forms of nonviolent protest by environmentalists, which is generally seen as an attempt to associate this activity with other more contentious acts that can legitimately be labeled as eco-terrorism.


I sure don't believe anyone would ever consider rusty's friends actions as 'non-violent'.

"Whenever the nation is under attack, from within or without, liberals side with the enemy. This is their essence." --Ann Coulter

And why the American Voters chose to RE-elect President Bush to four more years. YES!!!
[ edited by Linda_K on Jul 8, 2005 12:40 PM ]
posted on July 8, 2005 12:53:59 PM new

Oh! Geez! My very HIGH OPINION of you just slipped a notch -- you worked for that egotistical worthless gas-bag Ralph Nader??

Guy is a TOTAL PUTZ! If he had honorably KEPT HIS WORD in 2000, then the Cowardly Coke-Head Cowboy never would have been illegally installed...UNTOLD THOUSANDS of innocents would never have been slaughtered in IRAQ; NTM the potentially 1000's of brave American soldiers sacrificed by GWB!

It's truly amazing how much damage that jerk Nader has done to this country, all in the name of his pathetic ego-trip!

"I'm going to spend a lot of time on Social Security. I enjoy it. I enjoy taking on the issue. I guess, it's the Mother in me."—Guess Who? Washington D.C., April 14, 2005
posted on July 8, 2005 01:01:28 PM new
::No one here has supported these crimes. Don't be flamboozled by linda's lies.::

Helen - I don't believe that anyone here has endorsed them, I just disagree with the interpretation that they are not acts of terrorism simply because the perpetrators are not from the middle east.

~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~
No, I'm saying -- I'm merely -- I'm saying what I'm saying. I don't know why I'm always having people say, are you trying to say -- you know what you can do if you want to know what I'm saying is listen to what I'm saying. What I'm saying is what I said ...

- Ann Coulter
posted on July 8, 2005 01:33:54 PM new
My defination for what it is worth. Evidently Helen didn't like the one I posted or she didn't click the link to read the rest of the story.

A Terrorist is a terrorist whether he is from the US or Germany, Britain or the Middle east. Terrorists are people that do crimes against civilians and yes even their own civilians.

A terrorist is a person who terrorizes against single civilians.

i.e. Charles Manson.
Black Panthers.

Burning down homes intentionally is a terrorist act. Starting forest fires. I feel anything that is done to harm or destroy another human beings propriety is a terrorist.

I also feel a rapist is a terriorist.

I hope I covered everything......

I don't think any of us need a dictionary to define a terriorist.

BTW I did have a Corvair. Best car I owned. Low maintenance, good gas mileage and it got me around in the really big Chicago snow storm in I think it was 1968. Nader sure tried his darndest to bash them.

posted on July 8, 2005 01:42:47 PM new

"Helen - I don't believe that anyone here has endorsed them, I just disagree with the interpretation that they are not acts of terrorism simply because the perpetrators are not from the middle east."

No one mentioned the middle east. By the way, terrorists who kill people are all over the world in fifty two countries including the United States..not just the middle east. The difference is that the fellow who allegedly committed arson may have committed a crime but without the intention of killing anyone or causing anyone to fear for their lives. This excerpt from Wikipedia supports my belief.

Whether the primary "intention" of an attack was to harm civilians or not may seem difficult to ascertain, but in reality, many actions can define a criminal act as non-terrorism: If the attackers make at least some attempt to reduce civilian casualties, such as by using precision-guided munitions rather than weapons designed to cause maximum area damage; if civilians in the target zone are forcefully removed prior to the attack, or warned and allowed reasonable time to evacuate; if the attackers target the "system" rather than its civilian inhabitants. These actions show some concern of the attackers to civilian casualties, while attacks that lack them are more easily defined as terrorism.

Every criminal who may "affect" the life of someone is not a terrorist in the same sense that members of Al-qaeda are terrorists.

posted on July 8, 2005 01:46:00 PM new
--The threat or use of violence, often against the civilian population, to achieve political or social ends, to intimidate opponents, or to publicize grievances.---

Kind of like Dick Cheney telling Americans they have to vote for Bush or they'd suffer another terrorist attack.

posted on July 8, 2005 02:01:58 PM new
tomwii- I didn't work for Ralph Nader. I worked for the members of an organization he founded. First, lets get this cleared up here about Nader in 2000. Every individual across America has a right to run for President. Ralph Nader wasn't the only person running in 2000. I don't have the exact number, but I would guess at least 100 people ran for President that year. Democrats have pointed to Ralph Nader repeatedly for losing the election, but what each of these Dems fail to recognize is that Al Gore did not appeal to Nader supporters. Gore left them behind and went more to the right than to the left. I blame Gore for not appealing to more people, and I blame a corrupt system of government in Florida, not Ralph Nader for throwing the election to Bush.

In 2000, over 10,000 people paid to see Nader speak at a rally in Portland. No other candidate in American History can lay claim to that. He obviously had support and a large base of people who believed his cause and agenda. Personally, I believe in voting for the person who most accurately represents my personal views. I do not believe in voting for the "lessor of two evils" and I never will.

Nader has saved more lives in his lifetime than most people give credit to. How many lives have been saved by the snap of a seatbelt? Nader is an individual who has defended and protected innocent people all of his life. He is dedicated to his cause, and yes, unfortunately, this dedication has lent to his recent implosion with the Green Party and his attempts at the Presidency. Nader has had many successes, and some failures. He is an icon to many, and a sore spot to others.

At least I am humble enough to acknowledge the fact that a candidate I voted for has made some mistakes. I have no problems admitting it. I was disappointed in Nader for accepting help from neoconservatives in Oregon.

Linda however, continues to fail to accept any responsibility for her self-righteous views and support of this failed administration. Instead she just creates lies and spews her hate. She thinks people here actually take her seriously. She is nothing more than neocon swine, rolling in her own feces.

posted on July 8, 2005 02:09:34 PM new
"A Terrorist is a terrorist whether he is from the US or Germany, Britain or the Middle east. Terrorists are people that do crimes against civilians and yes even their own civilians."

"A terrorist is a person who terrorizes against single civilians."

"i.e. Charles Manson.
Black Panthers.

"Burning down homes intentionally is a terrorist act. Starting forest fires. I feel anything that is done to harm or destroy another human beings propriety is a terrorist."

Well, lets see... maybe we should add George Bush to that list since he has terrorized innocent Iraqi's, while we're at it Cheney, Rumsfeld, and on and on and on....

"Starting forest fires" What about so called controlled burns? They kill off wildlife, trees, etc.

"I feel anything that is done to harm or destroy another human beings propriety is a terrorist."

See George Bush, see Cheney, see Rumsfeld, see Rove...

My point here is that when you interpret a word for your own meaning based on opinion, you are opening up a whole new can of worms. This is the problem with neocon ideology. What is good for the goose is never good for the gander. It is a hypocritical way of thinking. Why shouldn't George Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld not be labeled terrorists??? Because they are the unfortunate leaders of this country? They are the ones who are terrorizing innocent humans just as much as the terrorists are, and you are there to support this terrible act. It sickens me to see this as a one sided arguement, it sickens me to see the hypocrisy these neocons spew.

posted on July 8, 2005 02:13:03 PM new
Rustygumbo, I have known of and respected Nader starting when HE was young!
you say
--Nader has saved more lives in his lifetime than most people give credit to. How many lives have been saved by the snap of a seatbelt? Nader is an individual who has defended and protected innocent people all of his life. --

Yes, he has but by running he helped elect Bush who has killed thousands of innocent people.

posted on July 8, 2005 02:20:58 PM new
Libra63, in your list of terrorist you forgot to mention the WACKO RELIGIOUS RIGHT TERRORIST here in America. They have preformed terrorist acts like murder and bombings for political, not military, purposes. Like the Tali-ban they preformed these terrorist acts in the name of God.

When their leader George Bush said "your either with us or against us, your either good or your bad" he left no room for what the "L" sisters call discussion World wide.

From that point on I knew the "L" sisters and other people of their mindset would never say a good word about me. With the "L" sisters its a their way or no way mindset. I am sorry wackos on the extreme right. Your way is not my way and never will be.

posted on July 8, 2005 02:24:42 PM new

Sorry, but yer in denial.

The election came down to 500 votes in FL!

That DISHONORABLE & EGOTISTICAL PUTZ pledged to NOT campaign in battleground states -- but what did he DO? The week before the election, he's stumping IN FLORIDA, hell-bent for destruction.

The reality is that if he had honored his word, GORE WOULD HAVE TAKEN FLORIDA, and Dumbo would be a political FOOTNOTE, instead of the WORST PRESIDENT SINCE HARDING!

Then, he has the incredible chutzpah to whine when he wasn't welcome at the DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION.

Nader cares NOTHING about the DEMOCRATIC PARTY...
Nader cares NOTHING about the USA...


"I'm going to spend a lot of time on Social Security. I enjoy it. I enjoy taking on the issue. I guess, it's the Mother in me."—Guess Who? Washington D.C., April 14, 2005
posted on July 8, 2005 05:39:51 PM new
Oh boy......look at what a BIG man rusty pretends to be. There he goes again......hanging with and excusing arsonists behavior. THEY, extremists like himself, have a REAL important purpose....and he'll defend it to the end. 'They're NOT terrorists'.

No, they just go around taking extreme measure and destroy what they CLAIM they want protected. They're NUTS....crazies.....people that SHOULD be locked up for years. Those are the people rusty supports, works/worked with.....but....

...according to rusty.....I'm the one he spews HIS HATRED AND HIS VULGAR MOUTH ABOUT. I'm NOT the terrorist rusty. You're pretty SICK, and obviously MORE extreme than you've let on here....and I'm happy people like your friend is being tried as and eco-terrorists.....he and others like him, deserve to be.

I'm sure Canada isn't as you say...a neoconservative, as I'm not either. But THEY decided your FRIEND HAS acted as one or they wouldn't be sending him back for trial... he's going to be tried as an eco-terrorist even though POOR RUSTY doesn't agree.

And your last statement only makes YOU look like the VERY SMALL MAN you are.
"She is nothing more than neocon swine, rolling in her own feces."

What a hatefilled person you are, rusty....how very, very sad for those around you.

"Whenever the nation is under attack, from within or without, liberals side with the enemy. This is their essence." --Ann Coulter

And why the American Voters chose to RE-elect President Bush to four more years. YES!!!
posted on July 8, 2005 05:44:19 PM new

i understand your frustration, but i look at it this way... you're gonna support your childs sports team whether they are leading their league or if they are in last place, right? you have a personal interest in that right? would you expect them to give up because they lose every game? i would hope not, and that is exactly how Nader and those who vote for Nader view it. He represents their ideologies and you should commend them for upholding those values rather than slam them because Al Gore didn't appeal to enough voters. The Democrats continue to put blame on everything else in the world, except Al Gore. There were so many things that Gore could have done that he didn't do.

Maybe Gore should have met with Nader to discuss the issues that were close to Nader and looked for some common ground. Instead, Gore pretty much ignored him and more importantly ignored Naders voters and focused on the center.

I won't let us all forget, Gore was pretty damn boring too. Don't get me wrong... I would have voted for Gore if he came out fighting like he did after the election and again before this past election. His words were inspriring, but he had his chance and he didn't take it. He didn't have the balls to get people charged up, instead he sat back and let the dumbest person to ever run for President beat him.

I cannot argue with you that "Nader cares NOTHING about the DEMOCRATIC PARTY..." It is not his party, so why should he have cared? I could care less about the Republican Party, and you most definately won't see me jumping ship to support someone that doesn't represent my political views. In fact, I care just a bit more about the Democrats than the Republicans and that is not saying much. For me it is not about the party, but about the issues.

I actually thought we had civil rights for all Americans, but we apparently don't. Both the Dems and the Republicans are segregating. Both the Dems and Reps have failed to pass finance reform legislation for elections, though Bush controls the White House and the Reps control legislation, I have seen too many Democrats lying down on the job giving them a pass. I don't want my congressman/woman or representative to sit back and allow these evil bastards to have their way. I want to see them up in front, testifying, fighting tooth and nail, using every means necessary to shed light on everything these neocons are doing. You know this is just the tip of the arguement. I can go on and on and on about how the Democrats have done just a little more than the Republicans have to improve American life, but the fact remains they haven't done enough and this is where Nader came in.

"Nader cares NOTHING about the USA..." I would guess that if you are a Democrat and you read Nader's platform, you would agree more with his ideas than you would Gore or Kerry's ideas. Nader cares about America and has always cared about America. Your statement is may be an opinion, but you know the truth. Nader loves America, but what he loves more are the people of America. Otherwise, how would you explain his lifelong quest to keep Americans safe? He has fought tooth and nail for the American people. This statement sounds more like Linda claiming liberals hate America because we disagree with her one track mind. Linda has no concept of balance, instead she wants to spew her hate and lies as if they are fact. Don't believe the hype! and don't spread it either.

posted on July 8, 2005 05:55:40 PM new
It's always about Linda.....the FOUL MOUTHED RUSTY keeps making this about Linda.

Can't control himself....

Gore probably wasn't FAR LEFT enough for rusty's liking. And he thinks Nader had so much support from environmentalists in 2000.... WRONG!!! He had a lot of support as a 3rd choice....and ONLY that. There weren't 10,000 nutcases that supported him....they just didn't like either gore nor Bush....so they voted 3rd party.

rusty, OUR FOUL MOUTHED, VULGAR poster doesn't realized that gore SHOULD have won by a landslide. Why didn't he? Because American's were smart enough to not choose a man who kept changing who he was. Very much like kerry....the dems seem to only have what I'll call then the 'candidates in transistion' as they don't have a true backbone on exactly what their platform is and they keep trying to change who they are to be accepted by whoever's at the latest rally.

"Whenever the nation is under attack, from within or without, liberals side with the enemy. This is their essence." --Ann Coulter

And why the American Voters chose to RE-elect President Bush to four more years. YES!!!
[ edited by Linda_K on Jul 8, 2005 06:05 PM ]
posted on July 8, 2005 06:05:31 PM new
i feel sorry for you linda. you should get out more often, perhaps get some fresh air, a little sun, perhaps go swimming. It must be hard living in a little tiny shell thinking your opinion really matters. you continue to cast your hate filled rants, never once thinking that everybody here thinks you are a joke, well with the exception of the other jokes on here.

how do you actually think that your opinions and lies represent those that you continually attack?

do you do puppet theater at home (complete with the barnyard watering trough)?

do you think you actually control what others think? you have gone on and on and on about those of us that you disagree with. you chastise us day in and day out acting as if you are the hate filled god you claim to follow. since when did your god promote killing innocent people? since when did your god need to siphon every last penny of poor seniors? since when did your god say you shouldn't take care of children who are sick or need education? since when did your god say it was ok for you to hate others because they disagree with you? since when did your god say it was ok to lie? since when did god make it your decision to control other people? linda, you are not god, you don't make the rules, and if you really want to follow the lord as you proclaim you do, perhaps you should quit lying to everybody here and fess up that you support a Fascist.

posted on July 8, 2005 06:09:06 PM new
Oh, apparently I wasn't foul enough with that last statement...

Soooooeeyyy!!!! Suppertime for the neocon pigs.

posted on July 8, 2005 06:13:49 PM new
I didn't read your little rant, rusty. I think anyone here who reads your hatred can see you for what you are....a pathetic man who can't control himself in discussion.

I think all that needs to be said about people like myself is that WE RE-ELECTED this President....and your side LOST. That's what's made you and others like you so angry and hateful towards those who have different values and morals than you do.

That's YOUR problem.....there's only three MORE years left...and then we'll elected ANOTHER republican president.


"Whenever the nation is under attack, from within or without, liberals side with the enemy. This is their essence." --Ann Coulter

And why the American Voters chose to RE-elect President Bush to four more years. YES!!!
posted on July 8, 2005 06:57:36 PM new
LOL!!! ROTFLMAO!!! Linda, you know you read it.

You can deny it all you want, but you read it, and you will read all of my posts. Why? Because you hate me and you are a hypocrite. You're the same person that would judge someone by your standards, but cannot judge yourself by them because your vision is clouded by the swill you consume. You will lie, cry, and pout unless you get your way. You claim you are above others, but you do the exact same thing. Case in point, "a pathetic man who can't control himself". " They're NUTS....crazies.....people that SHOULD be locked up for years." "Those are the people rusty supports, works/worked with.....but....", "You're pretty SICK, and obviously MORE extreme than you've let on here."

So, is it that you are above everybody elses name calling or not? You can't be both Linduh... Prisoners are either tortured or their not, whether in Gitmo, in a Nazi concentration camp, or in a Gulag. Torture is torture. You can't say, "they wouldn't torture people" when in fact they do. So did the Nazi's. You are nothing but a hypocrite Linda. Neocon Nazi Hypocrite Linda, Hails to the Thief!
[ edited by rustygumbo on Jul 8, 2005 06:59 PM ]
posted on July 8, 2005 07:50:45 PM new
Linda_K, what goes around comes around. Because of your constant lies and twisted words your getting what is coming to you.

Linda_K your President got re-elected acting like you telling a big bunch of flat out LIES to the American people. Now just a few months later he is no longer the President for the majority of Americans. Yes Linda the MAJORITY of Americans now see your President IS NOTHING BUT A BIG PHONY LIAR JUST LIKE YOU.

Now just a few months ago you spent all your time bragging about your President. Now you spend ALL YOU TIME DEFENDING HIS FAILURES AND PLUS YOUR LIES ALONG WITH THE BUSH FAILURES.

You have no one to blame for the beating you are now taking its all self imposed. "BRING IT ON" WACKO LINDA_K "BRING IT ON" You are now on the bottom of the pile and for sure you aren't coming up with the football.

It won't be three more years before the American people make this President a even lamer duck than he already is the 2006 elections with take care of old Gorge.

posted on July 8, 2005 08:29:13 PM new
Quote, "It won't be three more years before the American people make this President a even lamer duck than he already is the 2006 elections with take care of old Gorge."

Old "Gorge" will not be able to run because of the two term limit. And, by the way, the next presidential election isn't till 2008 not 2006. I figured that a person as "smart" as you would know that peepa. Old "Gorge" can't be a lame duck because he can't run again.
[ edited by etexbill on Jul 8, 2005 08:29 PM ]
posted on July 8, 2005 09:46:02 PM new
etexbill- "And, by the way, the next presidential election isn't till 2008 not 2006. I figured that a person as "smart" as you would know that peepa. Old "Gorge" can't be a lame duck because he can't run again."

Is this one of those dumb neocon jokes?

Every single Representative in the House has an election coming up in 2006, not to mention those in the Senate. etex, you really need to get your facts straight before you go on some a tirade like that. it makes you look...well, like Linda.

I do smell Impeachment in the air...that and Linda's pig pen.

posted on July 9, 2005 05:06:27 AM new
etexbill. here is a few more neocon jokes for ya. George Bush,Dick Cheney,Carl Rove,Tom DeLay,Bill Fist,Rick Santorum and Linda_K.

WMD,hard job,mission accomplished,steadfast,God's ear,fighting terrorist on their ground,fight with the Army you have,1750 troops dead,10,000 wounded troops,billions spent,missing Bin Laden,enough armor,economy,SS,trade deficit,open borders,outsourcing and Lies.

etexbill,maybe you better get it now but I really don't think so. So "bring it on" etex "bring it on"

posted on July 9, 2005 07:14:58 AM new
I don't hate these extremists....these environmental NUT CASES....

So now Linda supports the "terrorists"

I think they're very sad and I feel sorry for them because they're out of touch with REALITY.

I feel the same way about those who support the Bush administration.

No 'misconceptions' about their actions.....we read about their actions all the time.

I feel the same way about those who support the Bush administration.

Absolute faith has been shown, consistently, to breed intolerance. And intolerance, history teaches us, again and again, begets violence.
President George Bush: "Over time the truth will come out."

President George Bush: "Our people are going to find out the truth, and the truth will say that this intelligence was good intelligence. There's no doubt in my mind."

Bush was right. The truth did come out and the facts are he misled Congress and the American people about the reasons we should go to war in Iraq.
posted on July 9, 2005 07:53:59 AM new
bigpeepa- i think you missed, "internets" and "That's news to me, need some wood?"

posted on July 9, 2005 11:01:07 AM new
Rusty, I did forget Bush saying "That's news to me, need some wood?"

I do remember almost falling out of my chair laughing when I saw Bush say that on TV.

posted on July 9, 2005 11:13:36 AM new
extexbill I think your spelling of george is correct

--gorge, stomach of a voracious animal,

feeling of disgust, resentment, anger,

the entrance from the rear into a bastion,

a mass that blocks up a passage,

swallow greedily,

to eat gluttonously

posted on July 9, 2005 12:45:57 PM new
yeah mingo, but i live close to the Columbia Gorge, and it is one of the most beautiful places in the world. I wouldn't want anyone getting GW and the Columbia Gorge mixed up.

posted on July 9, 2005 02:34:48 PM new
Rustygumbo I hope George doesn't know about it or he'll want to drill for oil or give it to Halliburton for a huge mall

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