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posted on July 9, 2005 04:17:17 PM new
oh, trust me... they already try to do it this year, and worst yet it was our Democratic Governor, Ted Kulongowski that was trying to get an Indian Casino in the Gorge. Fortunately, that was nixed for the time being thanks to David Wu stopping it at the Federal Level. It was a stupid idea, and it was unfortunate that it was promoted by the governor.

posted on July 9, 2005 04:45:50 PM new
Hey Mingotree, in case you don't already know. You can always tell when Linda_K feels BEAT UP AND LOST WITH ONLY BULL ROAR left to say. When that happends she starts using BOLD PRINT PLUS CAPS AND LITTLE FACES.


George Bush was re-elected through lies to the American people and he and Cheney are still telling lies to America every day. YES!!!!

posted on July 9, 2005 05:14:29 PM new
peepa- i think you meant chance, not change.

posted on July 9, 2005 05:50:22 PM new
Sorry about your Governor, Rustygumbo, only thing worse than a Republican is a democrat who acts like a Republican

Bigpeepa it is so strange that LindaK accused me of screaming and her post was filled with bolds and caps and mine weren't. Is this a game she plays or is she really loony?

posted on July 9, 2005 08:28:36 PM new
ming- i'm not going to answer that question about Linda. i think you can make that decision for yourself. besides, you should be able to figure it out pretty quickly.

posted on July 9, 2005 08:34:47 PM new
rustygumbo. Did I say anywhere that there would not be an election in 2006. Do you see the words "presidential election?" Ahh, yes, there they are. With the coming appointment of one Supreme Court Justice, the probable appointment of a second replacing Rehnquist, and possibly a third before "Old Gorge" leaves office, the "duck" is not too lame. Finally the Supreme Court will quit trying to legislate and get back to their job of interpreting the Constitution as it stands.
[ edited by etexbill on Jul 9, 2005 08:40 PM ]
posted on July 9, 2005 09:09:02 PM new
Extexbill did you make a map of terrorist bomb sites yet, I'm sure our military would be interested.

posted on July 9, 2005 09:57:20 PM new
" Extexbill did you make a map of terrorist bomb sites yet, I'm sure our military would be interested."

mingotree, the military might be interested, but it wouldn't be of any use to you. If you can look at the word "etexbill" and it becomes "extexbill", your eye to brain comprehension just wouldn't cut it. Sorry.

posted on July 9, 2005 09:59:47 PM new
Mingotree, with Linda_K its always been her way or no way. With Linda_K if a democrat said it was raining. Linda_K would find a weather report on google from half way around the world saying it was sunny. She would post it saying see you Pinko Liberals don't know what you are talking about its sunny out. Linda_K is taking the biggest beating from the most people on this board that I have ever seen. All brought on by Linda_K herself because of her lies and twisted words. Never let her con you by her saying this is a discussion board and that is my opinion, She has gone far beyond discussion with her illness.

etexbill,Old George and his republican party is in a no win situation about the Supreme Court Judges. If he appoints one that overturns the Abortion law. The free choice voters will hold it against the republican party. If he appoints a Judge that doesn't overturn the Abortion Law the right to lifers will hold it against the republicans for failing to overturn the abortion law. The voters that don't care one way or the other about the abortion law, will hold the Iraq War plus the working and middle class economy against the republicans.

Anyway you look at it the republicans are in for a rough couple of years. That is why you see a lot of republicans trying to distant themselves from Bush already.

Pennsylvania Sen.Rick Santorum will be voted out in 2006.

posted on July 10, 2005 06:03:29 AM new
posted on July 9, 2005 09:57:20 PM
" Extexbill did you make a map of terrorist bomb sites yet, I'm sure our military would be interested."

mingotree, the military might be interested, but it wouldn't be of any use to you. If you can look at the word "etexbill" and it becomes "extexbill", your eye to brain comprehension just wouldn't cut it. Sorry. --

I guess the neocons can shoot off their big mouths about bombing and nuking but can't back it up
Why would I need a map ? I don't believe in dropping bombs helter skelter around the world like you and LindaK do.

Have you made the map yet Etexbill?

See, now I spelled your name right, that's soooo important to the topic, so now you have to answer the question?

Wasn't i right folks?Back them into a corner with the truth and you either get silence or topic change. Etexbill was so floored by my misspelling of his name he just couldn't answer the question

posted on July 10, 2005 07:19:49 AM new
Do you really think Santorum will be voted out in 2006 peepa?
Why is that?

Reading about his opponent and he has lost over half his lead since last year, I don't see it happening. Santorum just scored big with PETA.

rustygumbo you mean you didn't want a casino in hood river? aww comeone don't you know the gorge was made for that?

Wonder if that is why Kulongoski is at the lower end of the Governor ratings.

posted on July 10, 2005 08:06:51 AM new
"Gorge" wasn't my spelling, as you well know. Just quoting bigpeepa.

You people are really hilarious, (and pitiful). But that's your problem.
[ edited by etexbill on Jul 10, 2005 08:11 AM ]
[ edited by etexbill on Jul 10, 2005 08:23 AM ]
posted on July 10, 2005 08:22:53 AM new
mingotree, it is funny that you settle on a map as your argument. Perhaps you didn't read the tongue in cheek suggestion of just drawing lots for the bombs. But, I forget, you have an eye to brain function problem, or you would notice your "mis-spelling" on your previous posts also. You, I, and the military know where the problem lies. The problem is that we won't take the proper action that it will take to solve the terrorist problem. One day, when the world has had enough, you and your buddies will be begging for stronger measures.
[ edited by etexbill on Jul 10, 2005 08:48 AM ]
posted on July 10, 2005 08:27:44 AM new
Wash- The problem with most of the neocons on this board (I wouldn't put you in that group) is that they view things as black or white. You are either for against their agenda, hence you are their friend or enemy. They support their leaders no matter what. George Bush could pull out a gun and shoot a Democrat, and the attitude would be, "he probably deserved it", Without ever questioning it. It is quite sad. They continue to mix religion and politics, not once considering the hypocrisy involved in that.

I've seen it here many times, neocons like Bear and Linda are willing to support extremist views without any comprehension of what that would do for our country. Last week Linda stated she hoped Bush would appoint the most extreme conservative judge available. This is why this country is divided. It is the Imperialistic attitudes of this Administration that marching through the world, pretending that Democracy is the only way to govern. Very reminiscent of the Crusades, or the Nazi's on the march. What gives us the right to decide how a country should govern themselves? Americans lose sight of the fact that plenty of other countries do just fine with other forms of government. The problem lies in that our government doesn't want to work with others, instead they want to change them.

I'm willing to criticize and commend any politician. Case in point, Kulongowski. I've met the guy a few times, he is friends with the attorney I worked for, and I voted for him, but that doesn't mean I can't hold him accountable for something stupid like putting a casino in the Gorge. I'm not a Democrat or a Republican, though the last time I was registered as one, I was registered as Republican (which was about 5 years ago). Personally, Party politics are the worst thing for this country. It spawns too much rhetoric from both sides, and it becomes more like the Superbowl where people cheer one team or another. I have always been more about the issues than the candidate. The thought of voting for the lessor of two evils makes me cringe.
[ edited by rustygumbo on Jul 10, 2005 08:33 AM ]
posted on July 10, 2005 08:56:43 AM new
rustygumbo, I fully agree with your last paragraph. I was a registered Republican and a registered Democrat at one time. I vote my convictions now and consider myself an Independent. Partisan politics and blindly following one political party is one of the problems facing our country. And we do have a lot of problems, but I have lived elsewhere, and wouldn't want to live anywhere but the USA.

When our municipal water systems, sports stadiums, and shopping malls are attacked, (and that is what will happen), stronger measures will be appreciated.
posted on July 10, 2005 09:54:05 AM new
"When our municipal water systems, sports stadiums, and shopping malls are attacked, (and that is what will happen), stronger measures will be appreciated."

I'm gonna have to disagree with that, and perhaps you didn't mean it the way it is phrased. Stronger measures need to be taken NOW, rather than after the fact. This is a classic example of Democratic values. Take care of the problem before it happens (I know Linda is just foaming at the mouth about applying this to the war in Iraq, but that is different because it is a war based on lies and war profiteering). This is proof positive with crime. Liberals want to provide better education, and support which has proven to prevent crime, while Conservatives believe in every man for themselves. Guess what this leads to??? Overcrowded prisons (a system of taking care of the problem after it happens). If the common American can see the holes in our national security, then you know our government should be able to see it as well. It is a matter of taking action, not just spending the money. I could care less that Bush has spent billions of dollars to protect our borders, what I care about is whether it is being done properly and effectively, and so far that has not been even close to be the case. We have squandored so much money on a war that is leaving over 100,000 dead, yet our priority should have been finishing the job in Afghanistan and protecting America.

I am absolutely clueless how any American can justify the war in Iraq without admitting we should have taken care of the problem in Afghanistan and protecting our borders, transportation, malls, stadiums, churches, etc. first.

OMG, did I just say churches???? Yes, it is true I'm a progressive that contradicts the lies that people like Linda K want you to believe. I respect the fact that individuals worship a god, attend church, and pray. I don't have a problem with that. My problem with organized religion is many want to oppress those that don't agree with their ideologies instead of respecting them. Abortion, Gay rights is just the tip of the iceburg. I am not Pro Abortion, I am Pro Choice. I personally do not believe that Abortion should be used as a means of contraception, as do most Americans (including liberals). However, we respect the right of the individual to make that decision for themselves. The irony of this is that neocon christians are hypocrites. They mix their religious beliefs with politics and they lose credibility every time. Gay rights??? This really shouldn't even be an issue. A couple in love, who agree to dedicate their lives to one another should be allowed the same rights whether they are heterosexual or homosexual. We should be treated equal. Personally, marriage should be done via religion, and a civil union should be done via the government for all. If your religious beliefs are that Gays shouldn't marry, then stick with a religion that offers that ideology, but don't go around preaching it should be illegal for another church or the government to sanction a gay marriage or civil union. My girlfriend and I would rather have a civil union than a marriage because we don't want religion as a part of our relationship. Both of also agree that we won't get married or enter a civil union until all Americans are allowed the same rights that we would have.

I often wonder how the neoconservative Christians out there would feel if all of a sudden they were banned from practicing their religion because someone deemed it too extreme. I would never advocate something like that because it is wrong. Do you think they would sit back and let that happen? Would the typical neocon Christian like to have Judaism, Hinduism, or any other religious agenda rammed down their throat like they do to others? Curious, but has anyone ever noticed those commercials from evangelical christians who ask us to contribute to help the poor all over the world. Why is it that they don't tell you that they are also going to be spreading Christianity to those people that they claim to help? What are they ashamed of? Would they get as many contributions if they told us the whole story? I seriously doubt it. They hide behind "goodwill", when the true agenda is to spread their religion.

Linda and the other neocons continually thinks that because Bush won the election, it means he has a free ticket to do what he wants. Somehow, a small majority translated to a mandate in her eyes. She refuses to hold this administration accountable for their actions and yes, even inactions. She spreads a hate agenda and it is sad.
[ edited by rustygumbo on Jul 10, 2005 09:57 AM ]
posted on July 10, 2005 10:00:32 AM new
While our foul-mouthed, vulgar poster THINKS he speaks for me....he doesn't.

What he has stated about my own views is wrong.

It's just his total frustration and anger that blinds him and leads him to believe he has the power/right to speak FOR someone else.


"Whenever the nation is under attack, from within or without, liberals side with the enemy. This is their essence." --Ann Coulter

And why the American Voters chose to RE-elect President Bush to four more years. YES!!!
posted on July 10, 2005 10:33:46 AM new
"When our municipal water systems, sports stadiums, and shopping malls are attacked, (and that is what will happen), stronger measures will be appreciated."

I'm gonna have to disagree with that, and perhaps you didn't mean it the way it is phrased. Stronger measures need to be taken NOW,"

That is exactly what I was saying. Now is the time. I am saying that when the above things happen, the naysayers will be all for stronger measures and not until.

We are not so far apart in our beliefs. Just in the way we express them.

I am a Christian with a Buddhist leaning, and yes, you can be both. Buddhism is a way of life more than a religion.
posted on July 10, 2005 10:34:10 AM new
etexbill, sure worries about words being misspelled. It shows how this neocon thinks. Like most whacked out right wingers when they have no answers for Bush's failures, they try their best to divert attention away from his failures.

When etexbill first came back to this board after being away for months he said and Linda_K agreed that nothing had changed.

The only changes the majority of Americans have seen in last few months is. Bush/Cheney are still in power and still liars, more dead and wounded American troops,billions more has been spent,terrorism is spreading,energy and gas prices are higher,the trade balance and national debt have gone through the roof. I could go on but why bother neocons like etexbill and Linda_K will still deny the truth through their lies and twisted mindsets.

BTW etexbill you also said you were again leaving this board. I guess people like you can't even tell the truth about something as simple as that. If you do decide to leave be careful and don't let the closing door hit you in your backward/backside brain.

posted on July 10, 2005 10:43:46 AM new
You bigpeepa who counts Linda's posts but fails to mention mengotrees 112 since she entered less than a week ago.
posted on July 10, 2005 11:38:07 AM new
Absolutely no different than when helen only pulls up the names of people I've called delusional. She didn't list all those who have called me the same thing.

That's NOT the way they play their games.....

"Whenever the nation is under attack, from within or without, liberals side with the enemy. This is their essence." --Ann Coulter

And why the American Voters chose to RE-elect President Bush to four more years. YES!!!
posted on July 10, 2005 11:45:53 AM new
It's not how many times someone makes a statement, but rather what they say. And this goes for all sides.

"Hey man, its quality not quantity."
Slater- Dazed and Confused

posted on July 10, 2005 12:04:16 PM new

"Absolutely no different than when helen only pulls up the names of people I've called delusional. She didn't list all those who have called me the same thing"

In another thread, you asked me to provide those links and of course I did because, unlike you, I never say anything that I can't back up.

I don't keep track of how many people call you delusional, linda.

[ edited by Helenjw on Jul 10, 2005 12:14 PM ]
posted on July 10, 2005 12:12:56 PM new
Sorry, etexbill, I wil never advocate willy nilly indiscriminate bombing to rid the world of terrorists. It's not only stupid but would not solve the problem.

There are over fifty different terrorist groups in Europe, what do you suggest , just nuke all of Europe, pretty stupid.

You and LindaK never answered , what would you do if a terrorist group was located in the U. S., would you be willing to sacrifice youe lives to nuke 'em?

But is your only defense is too attack me on the spelling of your ID then I win.

posted on July 10, 2005 12:17:01 PM new

But if your only defense is too attack me on the spelling of your ID then I win.

Right, you are a good speller! Mingo.

posted on July 10, 2005 12:45:23 PM new
lol helen....we already KNOW that. Your total and complete bias is quite evident to all who read here. No surprise there.


and mingo you can go around repeating yourself FOREVER about I won't answer your questions. But obviously you're just not able to comprehend the reason I've repeatedly told you I won't. Quite slow it appears to me. I will, when YOU DO. until then......just keep whining until everyone gets sick of listening to you.

"Whenever the nation is under attack, from within or without, liberals side with the enemy. This is their essence." --Ann Coulter

And why the American Voters chose to RE-elect President Bush to four more years. YES!!!
posted on July 10, 2005 12:57:51 PM new
LindaK's excuse No. 3 for being proven wrong and not having a good answer

--and mingo you can go around repeating yourself FOREVER about I won't answer your questions. But obviously you're just not able to comprehend the reason I've repeatedly told you I won't--

LindaK , do you really believe anyone believes that garbage, I think everyone relizes you just don't have an answer. It's so obvious.It's a simple question.

posted on July 10, 2005 01:00:48 PM new
Libra63, Why do I count Linda_K posts? That's a easy question to answer, I expose how frantic and desperate Linda_K's really is. Plus to show that 99% of Linda_K's posts are nothing but a big bunch of FLAT OUT LIES AND TWISTED WORDS.

So you Libra63 counted Mingotree's post and say he or she has made 112 of them. Hell I hope Mingotree is just getting warmed up. Mingotree knows what he or she is talking about plus I see no lies from Mingotree. I just see posts and questions from Mingotree that neocons are having a hard time answering truthfully.

Libra63 hope you better get it now if not "bring it on".

posted on July 10, 2005 01:12:42 PM new
okay, mingetree/cf HAS admitted she has comprehension problems.

"Whenever the nation is under attack, from within or without, liberals side with the enemy. This is their essence." --Ann Coulter

And why the American Voters chose to RE-elect President Bush to four more years. YES!!!
posted on July 10, 2005 01:29:22 PM new
OK LindaK if you say so it must be true

And you have proven so many times how wrong ans completely stupid you are so I guess we're even.

WHERE did you say those bombs should be dropped to put an end to terrorism??
[ edited by mingotree on Jul 10, 2005 01:30 PM ]
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