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posted on November 9, 2006 10:04:25 AM new
Now I\'m sure this muslim getting elected will THRILL many on our radical left.
Taken from NewsMax.com two days ago. The AP reported the story.

First Muslim Elected to Congress

MINNEAPOLIS -- Democrat Keith Ellison was elected as the nation\'s first Muslim member of Congress on Tuesday, easily winning a Minneapolis-area district Republicans had not carried since 1962.

Ellison, who is black, is also Minnesota\'s first nonwhite representative in Washington. He said those things were only of secondary importance.
\"I think the most important thing about this race is we tried to pull people together on things we all share, things that are important to everyone. We all need peace, and this Iraq policy is dangerous to our country,\" said Ellison, who has called for immediate withdrawal of U.S. troops.

Ellison said his campaign united labor, minority communities, peace activists. \"We were able to bring in Muslims, Christians, Jews, Buddhists,\" he said. \"We brought in everybody.\"

Ellison focused on issues that resonate in the urban, liberal-leaning 5th District in Minneapolis. By favoring gay rights and legal abortion, Ellison cut a path away from many Muslims.

Hayat Hassan, 30, a single mother and a Muslim, said she voted for Ellison because of his positions on health care and education.
\"I didn\'t even know he was a Muslim until one of his campaign workers told me,\" she said.

The seat was thrown open when longtime Rep. Martin Sabo said he would retire after 28 years. The Minneapolis-centered district is the most Democratic-leaning in the state; in 2004 seven of 10 voters went for John Kerry for president. That meant the real battle was the September primary, and Ellison, the endorsed Democrat, beat several strong candidates in that race, including Sabo\'s former chief of staff Mike Erlandson.

On Tuesday he beat Republican Alan Fine and the Independence Party\'s Tammy Lee.
Mahdi Bray, executive director of the Muslim American Society, compared an Ellison victory to Edward Brooke\'s election in 1966 as the first black senator since the 1870s.

He said Muslims followed the campaign closely, and that they are more excited about seeing a Muslim in Congress than they are concerned about Ellison\'s strong liberal views.
\"We are monotheistic, but we are not monolithic. There are things within our own community that we disagree about,\" he said.

Ellison\'s views \"might be a concern but I think the overall factor of having a Muslim voice in Congress overrides those types of concerns.\"

Ellison\'s campaign had to deal with reports of overdue parking tickets, late campaign finance reports and unpaid taxes. He also faced questions about anti-Semitism because of past ties with the Nation of Islam, a black Muslim group led by the confrontational Louis Farrakhan.

Ellison, a criminal defense attorney who converted to Islam as a college student, denounced Farrakhan, and he won the endorsement of a Minneapolis Jewish newspaper.
© 06 Associated Press.

While the democratic party complains about everything THIS President does to protect our Nation:

What would a Democrat president have done at that point? Apparently, the answer is: Sit back and wait for the next terrorist attack.
Ann Coulter
posted on November 9, 2006 11:46:21 AM new
YUPPERS! And we also are sending our first woman senator to Washington!
Amy Klobuchar, Democrat, soundly trounced (beat to a pulp) Bush waterboy Mark Kennedy with clean ads, definite plans, and clear answers, of which, Kennedy had none.

Sad to see you are unhappy about electing blacks to congress.....but not surprising.

posted on November 9, 2006 12:09:51 PM new
I would campaign for a Constitutional Ammendment to exclude Muslims from serving. While I was at it I'd include Jews, Hindus, Buddhists and any other heathens in the ammendment.

[ edited by davebraun on Nov 9, 2006 12:10 PM ]
posted on November 9, 2006 01:36:34 PM new
excellent idea dave! After all, aren't we AT WAR with the country of Islam?? Isn't the act of being Muslim an act of TREASON?
Grow your own Dope. Plant a Republican.
posted on November 9, 2006 02:08:13 PM new

Map of U.S. Hate Groups

Irene posted this recently. Unfortunately Such intolerance and hate is still alive in America.

posted on November 9, 2006 02:39:23 PM new
As I said.....I had NO doubt that the radical liberals here would be pleased with someone like this even with his past associations AND due to the fact that he's a muslim.

They support muslims....an defend them all the time. Who cares they are the radical ones who have threatened to destroy our Nation.

The only religion they are always slamming are the Christian ones - muslims get not only a free pass with them...but their support too.

While the democratic party complains about everything THIS President does to protect our Nation:

What would a Democrat president have done at that point? Apparently, the answer is: Sit back and wait for the next terrorist attack.
Ann Coulter
posted on November 9, 2006 02:40:25 PM new
"intolerance and hate is still alive in America".

Helen your correct we see it on this board all the time.

The good news is they lost their political power this time around.

posted on November 9, 2006 03:15:51 PM new
Being VERY concerned about muslims in our political system is NOT racist. It is NOT hateful.

Anyone who reads this site....and keeps tabs on what muslims all over the world are doing SHOULD also be concerned. Party lines have NOTHING to do with it.


Educate yourselves for once. Maybe you won't be so quick to give your support to them.

But then....most radical liberals always will....no matter the threat to our Nation.

While the democratic party complains about everything THIS President does to protect our Nation:

What would a Democrat president have done at that point? Apparently, the answer is: Sit back and wait for the next terrorist attack.
Ann Coulter
posted on November 9, 2006 03:24:03 PM new

Time to look under your bed again, Lindak!

posted on November 9, 2006 03:52:05 PM new

"Time to look under your bed again, Lindak!"

Right, Muslims have taken the place of Commies under linda's bed.

From her narrowminded view, all muslims are bad muslims.

posted on November 9, 2006 06:57:24 PM new
It's interesting to note on the hate map that New Mexico, Rhode Island, Maine and Hawaii have no known hate groups.

On this board there has been a lot of hatred shown towards others and genocide was even mentioned and supported by some as an option. It's silly that they allow their fear to rule them to the point where they label and judge everyone with such negativity and live with such a closed attitude.

Let's not forget how many Muslims are serving in the US military. Do they hate that segment of the troops and divide their support? Would it bother them if they sent a care package and a soldier who is Muslim received it?

posted on November 9, 2006 07:06:01 PM new
To liberals....ignorance must be BLISS....or else they have VERY short memories.

Yea, it REALLY pisses me off when our muslim soldiers MURDER our other soldiers, kiara.


It SHOULD bother you just a little bit too.

That it doesn't...or you don't even remember while you're so busy trying to be 'cute'...is extremely sad.


April 29, 2005:

 A military jury has sentenced U.S. Army Sergeant Hasan Akbar to death for killing two officers in a grenade and rifle assault in Kuwaiit.

Akbar, a former 101st Airborne Division soldier, was found guilty a week ago on two counts of pre-meditated murder and three counts of attempted pre-meditated murder after a military court martial at Fort Bragg, North Carolina.

The trial verdict and sentence is subject to "high ranking officer" who could approve the sentence as is or reduce it, officials said in the statement.

Because of the severity of the charges the case will automatically be appealted to a higher U.S. Military Judicial Court.

Akbar of murdering Captain Christopher Seifert and Major Gregory Stone and wounding 14 other soldiers when he rolled two grenades into soldiers' tents and began firing his assault rifle at those who tried to flee the tents.

Akbar's mother and military attorneys alledge that Akbar snapped in the weight of relentless ridicule and harassment of his Muslim faith by fellow soldiers, according to the published report.

While the democratic party complains about everything THIS President does to protect our Nation:

What would a Democrat president have done at that point? Apparently, the answer is: Sit back and wait for the next terrorist attack.

Ann Coulter

[ edited by Linda_K on Nov 9, 2006 07:13 PM ]
posted on November 9, 2006 07:15:28 PM new
Hey,I have an idea. Let's set up internment camps for all Americans of Muslim faith, just like we did with the Japanese during World War II. One of our proudest moments--NOT!

posted on November 9, 2006 07:25:19 PM new
And as I've suggested before.....ALL American's should read jihadwatch.org
to keep up with what they've been and are currently doing.


This - taken from jihadwatch.org

Now look at the handful of those Muslim soldiers.


Do you have CAIR or any Muslim group celebrating any of these soldiers?

Suggesting that they should be emulated?

Is anyone suggesting that Muslims should be in the forefront of those in the American military fighting what are regarded as threats to the United States, in the Middle East, or Pakistan or Afghanistan?

Any hint that those soldiers would find themselves heroes in Muslim communities, with they and their families made much of by fellow Muslims, just the way those in the 442nd Regiment were?

Are their pictures in shop windows? Do Arabic or Urdu-language newspapers have articles celebrating them in their American uniforms, in the American military?

Is there any hope that they will come home, those few, richly bemedalled, with feats similar to those perhaps of the members of the 442nd, in order to put paid to all kinds of worries and doubts?

No. There has been none of that.


While the democratic party complains about everything THIS President does to protect our Nation:

What would a Democrat president have done at that point? Apparently, the answer is: Sit back and wait for the next terrorist attack.
Ann Coulter
[ edited by Linda_K on Nov 9, 2006 07:28 PM ]
posted on November 9, 2006 07:29:02 PM new
Lindak, I was stating a fact that Muslims are serving in the US military so I don't understand why you think I am trying to be cute because I'm not.

I remember that incident with the one soldier but unlike you I do not judge that all the rest must be as he was. So what do you suggest? Should all Muslim soldiers be removed from service now? Do you think they should all be put in internment camps? Or do you approve of killing them all instead? Where exactly do you draw the line? At what point will your fear of them cease?

posted on November 9, 2006 07:32:44 PM new
The present administration implimented MANY ways of catching and arresting suspected terrorists in America. Those same policies PREVENTED them all from carrying out their ATTACKS on our soil.

But...now we have a new administration coming into power...who has fought against and opposed almost EVERY THING THAT HAS worked to catch these terrorist in America.

They have stated they are planning to change the 'Patriot Act'....HomeLand Security from it's present way of operating....

so...we will see how them removing the policies THAT HAVE BEEN WORKING to keep us safe here in America.....and now they'll impliment their 'ideas' of giving 'rights to our enemies'. We'll see which works better, I have NO doubt.

While the democratic party complains about everything THIS President does to protect our Nation:

What would a Democrat president have done at that point? Apparently, the answer is: Sit back and wait for the next terrorist attack.
Ann Coulter
posted on November 9, 2006 08:02:42 PM new
Number of U.S. Armed Forces [approx] = 2,685,713 total troops.

Active troops = 1,426,713

Military expendituresDollar figure = $441.6 billion (FY2006 est.)

Percent of GDP3.7% (FY2006 est.)

There are approx. 4,100 - 4,300 muslims serving in our Armed Forces. Most are doing so to EARN American citizenship...just like the mexicans do.

And yes, you can do your own search for opinions on why some feel islam isn't compatable with serving in our military.

While the democratic party complains about everything THIS President does to protect our Nation:

What would a Democrat president have done at that point? Apparently, the answer is: Sit back and wait for the next terrorist attack.
Ann Coulter
posted on November 9, 2006 08:08:26 PM new
Lindak, I feel sorry for you that you have such little faith in your elected officials and must now cower in even more fear than you have done already in the past five years. Since you hate all other countries I guess you can't even entertain the thought of moving to one of them and hiding out there instead.

posted on November 9, 2006 08:23:50 PM new
I heard that some of the friendly fire that killed Pat Tillman was from Baptists. Should we look for them under the bed too??
Grow your own Dope. Plant a Republican.
posted on November 9, 2006 10:09:02 PM new
From the United States Department of Defense

Nov 08, 2006

Muslims, those who believe in Islam, are everywhere in the United States. They may be your doctor or drive your taxi. They may serve you in restaurants or advise you in law. And they increasingly may be in the same foxhole, manning the same position or working on the same aircraft as you.

In the United States, Islam is the fastest growing religion, a trend fueled mostly by immigration. There are 5 million to 7 million Muslims in the United States. They make up between 10,000 and 20,000 members of the American military.

Chaplain Muhammad said service members must understand that their fellow soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen who are Muslim are just like they are. "It's important for all of us to see ourselves as coming from the same origin," he said. "It's too easy for people to get off on what's different.

"People have a way of just being people," he continued. "That nature God has already put into us. There's not one Polish nature or Italian nature or Muslim nature or Christian nature. It's just human nature. When people get to the essence of what makes us who we are, then that's what binds us together.

"The Koran says that God created us different nations and tribes that we may come to know each other, not that we should hate or despise each other."


posted on November 10, 2006 04:42:11 AM new
Good grief Kiara don't you realize these are just evil lies designed to trick gullible radical lefties into thinking it's OK to be Muslim?
Grow your own Dope. Plant a Republican.
posted on November 10, 2006 05:25:24 AM new

Profe, your comments always make me smile!

"Muslims, those who believe in Islam, are everywhere in the United States. They may be your doctor or drive your taxi. They may serve you in restaurants or advise you in law. And they increasingly may be in the same foxhole, manning the same position or working on the same aircraft as you."

"In the United States, Islam is the fastest growing religion, a trend fueled mostly by immigration. There are 5 million to 7 million Muslims in the United States. They make up between 10,000 and 20,000 members of the American military."

"Chaplain Muhammad said service members must understand that their fellow soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen who are Muslim are just like they are. "It's important for all of us to see ourselves as coming from the same origin," he said. "It's too easy for people to get off on what's different."

"People have a way of just being people," he continued. "That nature God has already put into us. There's not one Polish nature or Italian nature or Muslim nature or Christian nature. It's just human nature. When people get to the essence of what makes us who we are, then that's what binds us together.

"The Koran says that God created us different nations and tribes that we may come to know each other, not that we should hate or despise each other."

Good post, Kiara!

I have a good American neighbor who is a Muslim.

posted on November 10, 2006 07:47:11 AM new
Oh linda, look on the bright side....for every Muslim elected(one) there were LOTS and LOTS of non-Muslim DEMOCRATS ELECTED by "MOST AMERICANS".LOL

Could you find out what religion were the American soldiers who raped and burned that Iraqi girl and murdered her family???

I'd lke to shiver and quake if I meet anyone of THEIR religion

posted on November 10, 2006 07:58:29 AM new
"Time to look under your bed again, Lindak!"

Right, Muslims have taken the place of Commies under linda's bed.

From her narrowminded view, all muslims are bad muslims.

God forbid if these tertible Muslims see Linda's email address here and start sending her Christmas cards or asking Linda to join them in their jihad.

Absolute faith has been shown, consistently, to breed intolerance. And intolerance, history teaches us, again and again, begets violence.
The duty of a patriot in this time and place is to ask questions, to demand answers, to understand where our nation is headed and why. If the answers you get do not suit you, or if they frighten you, or if they anger you, it is your duty as a patriot to dissent. Freedom does not begin with blind acceptance and with a flag. Freedom begins when you say 'No.'
posted on November 10, 2006 09:54:29 AM new

"God forbid if these tertible Muslims see Linda's email address here and start sending her Christmas cards or asking Linda to join them in their jihad."

I understand that there are a few lurking in the rafters waiting to scoot under her bed at night. Has homeland security been alerted to the plight of Linda?

posted on November 10, 2006 09:55:42 AM new

News Max has a reporter on the scene. Hahaha!

posted on November 10, 2006 10:25:13 AM new
On kiara's defense link.

I believe most intelligent people notice the DATE of the article, written by a MUSLIM Chaplian in order to keep the peace in our Armed Forces. Our Nation had just received quite a SHOCK on 9-11...and EVERYONE was trying to keep OUR citizens calm - trying to convince American they are a 'religion of PEACE'.

Intelligent people ALSO know MUCH has transpired SINCE that article was written [Oct 2001. also. SEVERAL arrests of suspected MUSLIM terrorists in FIVE US STATES who were planning to do their destructive deeds against our Nation. Muslims bombings in the UK, Spain and several other places all over the world. Most in countries that supported our Nation in it's war on terrorism. Five years of murders/beheadings/war has changed a TON of things - since 10-01. It's hard to know which of them have totally innocent intentions and who secretly support the radical muslims.

But even their 'innocent' aren't speaking out against this mayham that their 'own' have created - That their OWN continue to be silent about. [Read Iran's actions/threats to 'wipe Israel off the face of the earth'.] Yep....sure sounds PEACEFUL to you guys....but you need a reality check - BIG TIME.

And by reading http://jihadwatch.org/ you'll get to see what those YOU support/defend are up to.

But I have no doubt that all the saddam supporters/defenders here will NEVER be on our Nation's side. Nope...just isn't going to happen.

While the democratic party complains about everything THIS President does to protect our Nation:

What would a Democrat president have done at that point? Apparently, the answer is: Sit back and wait for the next terrorist attack.
Ann Coulter
posted on November 10, 2006 11:16:22 AM new
Linda-ya have to understand this is the same state where they voted Jesse Ventura as Governor and where crowfart lives--enough said??

If you dont want to hear the truth....dont ask the question.
posted on November 10, 2006 11:21:38 AM new
The page I posted was dated Nov 08, 2006.

The excerpts I took from the page hold true no matter how much you try to spin things by trying to insinuate all Muslims are evil, Lindak.

Your blind hatred makes me wonder why you approve of Bush going into Iraq. Why even pretend you want things to be better for them when you believe they are all such evil people and that we should suspect them all.

BTW, how many of the groups on the map of hate groups in Arkansas are you currently a member of?

posted on November 10, 2006 11:33:02 AM new
Yea, it REALLY pisses me off when our muslim soldiers MURDER our other soldiers, kiara.

Just like Pat Tillman was murdered by our other non-muslim soldiers. I guess Linda forgot about this story.

Or how about this story Linda:

U.S. soldier tried to kill his mates

18:59 2005-11-30
A soldier accused of opening fire on fellow soldiers six weeks ago has been charged with attempted murder, Fort Campbell officials said Wednesday. No one was wounded.

Pvt. Nicholas D. Mikel, 21, also was charged with attempted rape, stemming from an incident the day before the Oct. 13 shooting, the Army post said in a statement.

Mikel was accused of firing five shots into the group of soldiers who were doing early-morning physical training. There were no injuries.

Fort Campbell officials said at the time that the suspect, arrested shortly after the shooting, had a handgun that was not issued by the military. The suspect's name was not released at the time.

Mikel faces 42 counts of premeditated attempted murder and four of attempted murder. He faces other charges, including larceny for the alleged theft of a government laptop computer and failure to obey an order by wrongfully possessing the weapon.

The charges were forwarded to the rear detachment commander for the 101st Airborne Division. The commander ordered a pretrial investigation, which was under way, the AP reports.

I dont think either of these soldiers were of Muslim background.

Absolute faith has been shown, consistently, to breed intolerance. And intolerance, history teaches us, again and again, begets violence.
The duty of a patriot in this time and place is to ask questions, to demand answers, to understand where our nation is headed and why. If the answers you get do not suit you, or if they frighten you, or if they anger you, it is your duty as a patriot to dissent. Freedom does not begin with blind acceptance and with a flag. Freedom begins when you say 'No.'
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