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posted on November 14, 2006 10:48:55 AM new

Ahhh Hellen

You spell like linda too. LOL!

[ edited by Helenjw on Nov 14, 2006 10:49 AM ]
posted on November 14, 2006 11:11:29 AM new
HeLen, what IS your problem?

If you're tryng to pick a fight...you won't get one....if you want marathon meaningless arguing, just stick with linda.

posted on November 14, 2006 11:32:52 AM new

Who's arguing, mingotree?

I'm just observing.

posted on November 15, 2006 04:47:11 AM new
still waitin' for an answer to a perfectly reasonable request for clarification...I'm a patient fella...
May 1, 2003, America brings "democracy" to Iraq. November 7, 2006, Iraq brings democracy to America.
posted on November 15, 2006 05:53:14 AM new
clarification of what? if mingo is Lindas sock puppet?

If you dont want to hear the truth....dont ask the question.
posted on November 15, 2006 06:04:52 AM new

Profe's question to Linda

Do you believe that all Muslims believe this is a religious war?

If you believe that would you agree that it's necessary to purge Muslims from American soil?

If they're all ememies by definition, wouldn't that be reasonable?

Maybe linda is afraid to answer?

posted on November 15, 2006 08:32:04 AM new
No, she's probably tired of the old left wing "ALL" tactic.

Perhaps she'd answer if the questions were:

Do you think a Muslim is 1000X more likely to cause harm to you and yours for religious reasons?

Would it be reasonable to monitor suspicious activity by Muslims more closely?

Would the number of Muslim clerics speaking out against the violence in their religion fit on a postcard?

posted on November 15, 2006 08:59:44 AM new
Helen, if I was linda's sock puppet why would I keep reminding posters how linda has demeaned and insulted the troops....the way she screams about others who "don't support the troops" ....why would she want people to remember how little SHE supports them?

And I LOVE reminding everyone !

posted on November 15, 2006 09:06:01 AM new

desquirrel, I will agree that categorical propositions are foreign to Linda and judging from your comment above I doubt that you could give her any assistance on that score.

[ edited by Helenjw on Nov 15, 2006 09:09 AM ]
posted on November 15, 2006 09:26:34 AM new

Mingotree....that was an idea that I was considering and one that I should have left unstated....an idea left over from the OTWA situation.

Spaz first mentioned it. And his thinking was probably based on the knowledge that at times, some posters will invent a sockpuppet to create dialog that otherwise would not occur. For example, when everyone at OTWA was trying to ignore Linda's rants, you were there to provide attention to whatever she was saying. You helped to make her the number 1 circus exhibit, not by what you were saying but by your constant and unrelenting attention.

I want to apologize to you for mentioning that again. I doubt that Linda has the skill to pull off that kind of deception.

posted on November 15, 2006 09:40:05 AM new
Thank you. But I'd like to clarify one other point.
You said, ""And his thinking was probably based on the knowledge that at times, some posters will invent a sockpuppet to create dialog that otherwise would not occur. For example, when everyone at OTWA was trying to ignore Linda's rants, you were there to provide attention to whatever she was saying. You helped to make her the number 1 circus exhibit, not by what you were saying but by your constant and unrelenting attention."""

If you look back through OTWA posts you will find that just about EVERYONE there posted repeatedly to linda. There were many topics involving linda's rantings that went on for days that I didn't post in, or quit posting in, ....but many others did. I even tried starting new topics that I knew linda would never post in and, except for a few posters, they were ignored....and the fights with linda continued.
And EVERY poster who declared that we should ignore linda went right back to addressing her when she got too bad.

Helen, Spaz hates my guts, I'm proud to say, so maybe a grain of salt would help.

posted on November 15, 2006 09:51:21 AM new

Good points, Mingo.

Spaz is very intelligent but at times he can be very tedious and hard to get along with. Although I agree with most of his political positions he probably hates my guts too. Welcome to the club, Mingo.

posted on November 15, 2006 10:11:05 AM new
I've been told that Spaz is really a She and She hates my guts too... so push over and make room for one more.

posted on November 15, 2006 10:37:21 AM new

Well no wonder spaz hates my guts.

Thanks for that clarification, Maggie.

posted on November 15, 2006 10:50:02 AM new
OK, our club will be named

"Spaz Hates (the) Intelligent Trio"

OH NO! BAD acronym

"Spaz's Hated Angel Group" ?

OH NO! SHAG !!?!

"Spaz Unites Girls Against Right-wingers"

SUGAR ? Now that's us!!!!!!!

posted on November 15, 2006 11:07:56 AM new
desquirrel is, as usual, correct. Has the ability to see what you try and do....

Just like you lefties always TRY to put words in my mouth...things I've NEVER said...and then expect me to defend the position YOU'VE made up.

Anyone who ever read at otwa...KNOWS the truth helen....not the way YOU try and falsely present it.

The lefties there couldn't debate/argue their positions so they, like you here, make it all personal.

As far as ignoring me...LOL LOL LOL.....they had multiple THREADS....pages and pages LONG....TRYING to figure out 'how to ignore Linda'. LOL LOL LOL

They FAILED. So they whined to jim and crystal....and Jim admitted he ONLY banned me because he didn't want to READ THE THREADS/POSTS....and fairly acknowledge who was doing what. HAD he....rather than listening to all the complains/whining/tattleing from the lefties....I'd still be posting there. As would EVERY OTHER conservative who was ALSO banned from crossfire....BECAUSE of the whining, complaining LIBERALS who can't argue their positions.

You lefties can't STAND hearing opposing positions....so you and they do just what YOU SAY LOL LOL LOL what you SAY you find SO appalling.....they/you go tattle to 'mommy and daddy' to DO something about this terrible, conservative poster.

JUST like they've done with almost EVERY vocal conservative poster that disagrees with their WACKO political positions.

I call it...NOT allowing 'freedom of speech' ....this is the democrats way.....obstruct speech, stiffle speech, BAN speech.


While the democratic party complains about everything THIS President does to protect our Nation:

What would a Democrat president have done at that point? Apparently, the answer is: Sit back and wait for the next terrorist attack.

Ann Coulter
[ edited by Linda_K on Nov 15, 2006 11:14 AM ]
posted on November 15, 2006 11:18:29 AM new
"Do you think a Muslim is 1000X more likely to cause harm to you and yours for religious reasons?"

I'd make that a million times more likely.

"Would it be reasonable to monitor suspicious activity by Muslims more closely?"

Yes, there is EVERY reason to monitor suspicious ENEMY activity.

"Would the number of Muslim clerics speaking out against the violence in their religion fit on a postcard?"

Do they make 1/2 size postcards?

While the democratic party complains about everything THIS President does to protect our Nation:

What would a Democrat president have done at that point? Apparently, the answer is: Sit back and wait for the next terrorist attack.
Ann Coulter
posted on November 15, 2006 11:28:28 AM new
desquirrel, if you read linda's original post, she states that "the muslim faith" considers this a religious war. My request for clarification was quite reasonable and my subsequent questions were logical. Like I said before, here reluctance to address them speaks volumes.
May 1, 2003, America brings "democracy" to Iraq. November 7, 2006, Iraq brings democracy to America.
posted on November 15, 2006 11:57:56 AM new
posted on November 15, 2006 09:51:21 AM new
Good points, Mingo.

Spaz is very intelligent

posted on November 15, 2006 10:37:21 AM
Well no wonder spaz hates my guts."

That says volumes


If you dont want to hear the truth....dont ask the question.
posted on November 15, 2006 11:59:07 AM new
OK, our club will be named

"Spaz Hates (the) Intelligent Trio"

Thats an oxymoron if I ever heard one


If you dont want to hear the truth....dont ask the question.
[ edited by classicrock000 on Nov 15, 2006 12:00 PM ]
posted on November 15, 2006 12:01:38 PM new
Yes, let THEM prove that out of the approx. 68 MILLION Iranians [with 98% of them being muslims]....THEY don't believe this is a religious war.

I bet ALL Israeli's believe it is. lol

I seriously doubt that continually saying they want to 'wipe Israel off the face of the earth' that many American's would having trouble 'GETTING' that's it's ALL about RELIGIOUS HATRED.

NOT coming from Linda....who just reads and comprehends the FACTS....but from the muslims who have made THEIR position VERY CLEAR....to all except a few liberals in our nation it sadly appears.

While the democratic party complains about everything THIS President does to protect our Nation:

What would a Democrat president have done at that point? Apparently, the answer is: Sit back and wait for the next terrorist attack.
Ann Coulter
posted on November 15, 2006 12:08:57 PM new
classic - otwa crossfire was/are mostly liberals.....they didn't want ANYONE new coming to their board. It's like they thought they had some sort of CLOSED liberal society there....even though it IS a public board.

Spaz was angry with hellen because she kept bringing the RT board threads/posts/statements to THEIR BOARD, there. And via versa...our posts on CF here to the RT - to try and stir her crap.

Spaz would ask helen questions and she'd dance around them....and spaz was good at pointing out to her how she AVOIDED the issue....side stepped the questions and tried to make the direction of the conversations/posts go off in another direction....AWAY from HER ACTIONS especially when she was challenged on anything.

That's she's now calling him 'intelligent' is a DRASTIC change from what she was calling him/saying to him at that time.

hellen rewrites history so well....just that honest people KNOW differently.

While the democratic party complains about everything THIS President does to protect our Nation:

What would a Democrat president have done at that point? Apparently, the answer is: Sit back and wait for the next terrorist attack.

Ann Coulter
[ edited by Linda_K on Nov 15, 2006 12:19 PM ]
posted on November 15, 2006 12:19:37 PM new
Spaz blamed Helen for all the trolls that arrived from the RT when it wasn't her fault at all. The reality of the situation was that they all followed Linda to Otwa because no one here gave them the time of day when all they would do was preach their hate speech mixed with endless vulgar terms about gays. Linda was the only audience that got off on it so they followed her for more attention. She was the only one that laughed at the vulgar comments and encouraged more and then she howled loudest for days each time they got booted no matter what ID they came back with......... same as she's still howling here months later for when they booted her.

posted on November 15, 2006 12:25:50 PM new
" desquirrel, if you read linda's original post, she states that "the muslim faith" considers this a religious war."

I would not consider the statement to be so far fetched. While anyone can pull documentation from a holy book contradicting the methodolgy of most of the adherents, the fact remains that a large portion of Muslims are barely educated near-savages. They fully believe they must purge their world of the infidels that pollute it otherwise they cannot achieve the ultimate reward they envision for enduring their current condition. So, if the book says "go forth and chop off their heads", you better damn well believe they are going to do that with or without you telling them that it says not to on page 435.

This is akin to the endless talk here of "negotiation", the UN, "reaching an understanding", and all the other claptrap, when you are dealing with a religious dictatorship.

posted on November 15, 2006 12:27:44 PM new
Like we can believe ANYTHING YOU say kiara. You've been proven to easily LIE about a lot of things. I know HONEST people have you / had you pegged a LONG, long time ago.

Pay attention to WHO brought it up first....TRY and stay focused.

Yep, first Colin went over there....got suspended...then pi went over there got suspended...then mingotree who was STALKING every post I made here on the RT followed me over there and did EXACTLY the same thing. Almost ALL her posts were to or about ME. Lying away as she does so well.

Even one of their MOST liberal and highly respected posters [by them - not me] STATED that it sure looked like I had spoken the truth about mingotree/crowfarm STALKING me there too. [bethie]

Then helen, KD, kiara started in on me OVER THERE. I wasn't posting much here anymore...so they had to continue getting their SICK little digs in me over there. And they LOVED doing so...as they stirred most of the liberals there up....because they already didn't like having someone [me] challenge them on their LIES.

While the democratic party complains about everything THIS President does to protect our Nation:

What would a Democrat president have done at that point? Apparently, the answer is: Sit back and wait for the next terrorist attack.
Ann Coulter
posted on November 15, 2006 12:33:59 PM new
A Pew Project

How Westerners and Muslims View Each Other.



This we can see MORE info. from this site too:


Then we have the AQ leader saying 'they will not stop until ALL the WORLD are muslims'. Link already provided.

Then Iran....

Then all the tapes from terrorists promising to destroy us.

But somehow this ISN'T about their religious beliefs??? SURE it's not.

Only those with their heads in the sand...or totally locked out from American society and it's NEWS reports....would believe they're a religion of peace.

I personally think what it boils down to are the supporters of these actions...those who deny their NOT acting out of their religious HATRED towards any infidels....is because they refuse to TAKE THEM AT THEIR OWN WORD. They somehow pretend they don't mean what they've said....they won't continue to reach their goals...our destruction.

And somehow they FALSELY see their own religious leaders calling them to stop this murder/mayham. Two or three calling for them to stop...just isn't going to help anything. There are HUNDREDS/THOUSANDS that do support the terrorists actions and their goals.


While the democratic party complains about everything THIS President does to protect our Nation:

What would a Democrat president have done at that point? Apparently, the answer is: [b]Sit back and wait for the next terrorist attack[b].
Ann Coulter
[ edited by Linda_K on Nov 15, 2006 12:43 PM ]
posted on November 15, 2006 12:48:44 PM new
Then helen, KD, kiara started in on me OVER THERE.

I posted on only a few topics there, lindak. One of them was the health topic concerning Canada as I had knowledge about it. No where did I start in on you. In fact it was you that brought my name over there several times before I even registered to post there and you even accused others of being me. I did not bring any of the RT garbage to Otwa at all.

posted on November 15, 2006 12:55:35 PM new
Unless you mean 'starting in on you' was for me and other Canadians there to post facts about the Canadian health system when you were posting your own twisted knowledge obtained from a google search concerning Quebec.

posted on November 15, 2006 12:56:23 PM new
None are so blind as those who refuse to see the TRUTH.

"We promise you, Oh Nation of Muhammed, peace be upon him, that we will massacre the Jews and Christians along with their agents and dogs"

A message of Islamic Peace and Tolerance from the Iraqi Sunni jihadists, as reported by the pro-jihad Kavkaz Center via the pro-jihad site Vanquishing Falsehood (thanks to Jan III Sobieski):

We promise you, Oh Nation of Muhammed, peace be upon him, that we will massacre the Jews and Christians along with their agents and dogs. Our swords drip with their blood and they will not cool off except in their chests and on their necks. We promise you that we will institute the righteous state in the land of the Rafideen land we will rule the land and people by the laws of Allah.

The Rafideen are the Shi'a.

taken from http://www.jihadwatch.org Today.

While the democratic party complains about everything THIS President does to protect our Nation:

What would a Democrat president have done at that point? Apparently, the answer is: Sit back and wait for the next terrorist attack.
Ann Coulter
posted on November 15, 2006 01:05:04 PM new

Then helen, KD, kiara started in on me OVER THERE.

I avoided you like the plague.

Linda, have you adopted from the Bush administration the belief that lying is normal? You have accused every single poster here of being a liar when in fact it's only you who lies.

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